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Shanghai port sees container throughput hit record high in July

Author:   Posttime:2020-08-04

SHANGHAI port's container throughput of Shanghai port exceeded 3.9 million TEU in July, hitting a record high, according to Shanghai International Port (Group), reports Xinhua.

The container throughput of Shanghai port totalled 43.3 million TEU last year, ranking the first in the world for the 10th consecutive year.
The port saw its container throughput total 149,565 TEU on last Thursday, representing a record single-day high.
As China's economic recovery picked up speed in the second quarter, the country has seen rapid growth in cargo trade, said Xinhua. Shanghai port has been receiving more containers since the second quarter, said Huang Haidong, general manager of the port.
Under scientific management and the assistance of automation technology, staff of Shanghai port have overcome obstacles brought by Covid-19, summer heat and the flood season to secure this great achievement, Mr Huang said.


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