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Huanghua port to add 33m cargo handling capacity

Author:   Posttime:2020-08-21

 Huanghua port in Hebei province has started construction of six terminal projects, which will bring another 33m tons cargo handling capacity annually to the port.

The six terminal projects, including a fuel oil terminal with an annual handling design capacity of 750,000 tons; two general cargo berths with a combined annual handing capacity of 4.5m tons, the first phase project of ore terminal (expansion project) with an annual handling capacity of 20m tons; and two bulk cargo berths with a combined annual handling capacity of 8m tons.
Upon the completion of the project, the total cargo handling capacity of Huanghua port will reach 290m tons annually. The port will then have 47 production berths which could greatly improve cargo transportation capacity and efficiency at the port.
Huanghua port, operated by Qinhuangdao Port Company, is a major ore and energy port in Hebei and Bohai Rim region.
During the first seven months, Huanghua port posted 169.3m tons cargo throughput and 403,800 teu container volume, an increase of 1.14% and 23.65% year-on-year respectively.


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