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Maersk Eindhoven on the way to LA, ONE Opus due to sail mid-March

Author:   Posttime:2021-03-05

THE 13,100 TEU Maersk Eindhoven has sailed from APM Terminals Yokohama with an estimated time of arrival of March 13 at the Los Angeles anchorage.

The vessel experienced a loss of engine propulsion while sailing 45 nautical miles off northern Japan in heavy seas on February 17. The loss of maneuverability resulted in severe rolling with 260 containers overboard and 65 containers damaged on deck at which point the ship turned around and made for Yokohama for repairs.
Meanwhile, sister ship Maersk Essen is expected to berth at APM Terminals Pier 400 in Los Angeles in the next couple of days. The ship lost around 750 boxes overboard in a storm on January 16 in the middle of the Pacific.
One ship still not ready to get back into service is the ONE Apus which lost more than 1,800 boxes on November 30. The ship turned back and made for Kobe where container discharging has proved tricky. Latest details suggest the magenta hulled ship will re-enter service on March 15, arriving at Long Beach by the end of the month, reports Singapore's Splash 247.


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