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Intra-Asia specialist CU Lines expands with more Asia-Europe sailings

Author:   Posttime:2021-04-30

CHINA United Lines' (CU Lines) foray into Europe appears to have been a success with more voyages scheduled.

The company's first Asia-Europe service left China on February 8, using the 2,700 TEU Laila, in a service created with XSTAFF, a Dusseldorf-based international purchasing network, reports Singapore's Spash247.
Extraordinary demand, couple with sky high freight rates, meant CU Lines was able to deploy such a small ship profitably on a trade lane that has become accustomed to 18,000 TEU ships as the normal method to transport containerised goods in recent years.
Since February CU Lines, previously an intra-Asia specialist, has sent a second chartered ship - the 4,395 TEU Ren Jian 17, on another Europe service - it left China last month and arrives at Antwerp later this week.
The fast-growing agile CU Lines has now chartered in the 4,395 TEU Ren Jian 25 and the 2,034 TEU Aisopos II for further sailings to Europe, according to Alphaliner.


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