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HAFFA urges members to support Hong Kong vaccination drive

Author:   Posttime:2021-06-08

THE Hong Kong Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistics Limited (HAFFA) has urged members to support the Covid vaccination drive.

"We call on all HAFFA members to encourage their staff to get vaccinated as soon as possible. For the protection of individuals, their families, society and the economy, the goal of reaching herd immunity in the community via vaccination is a matter of utmost urgency," said HAFFA chairman Gary Lau.
Mr Lau emphasised that achieving the 70 per cent community inoculation target is a prerequisite to getting the city's economy back on track.
"As HKSAR chief executive Carrie Lam has repeatedly stated, a high vaccination rate is a necessary precondition for quarantine-free travel to and from the mainland and overseas," said Mr Lau.
"With the vaccination programme currently underway in Hong Kong, we hope to see the early resumption of local business operations. If the rate of two-dose completion can be substantially increased, however, we may be better able to negotiate the orderly reopening of cross-border business activities."


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