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World Council of Shipping links sustainability to availability

Author:   Posttime:2021-11-01

THE World Shipping Council (WSC) has become the latest organisation to outline its concerns over the FuelEU Maritime regulations, demanding a link between FuelEU and fuel availability, reports Fort Lauderdale's Maritime Executive.

FuelEU is a regulatory proposal from the European Union to promote the use of cleaner fuels.
The WSC, the container shipping industry association, welcomes the proposal but raises concerns that the regulations go beyond the EU's geography toward global regulation.
"When working towards a shared objective to minimise total greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the climate impact of shipping, a full lifecycle perspective is the only logical approach. That is also why FuelEU alignment with RED and AFIR is so important in ensuring the provision of genuinely clean fuels," said WSC chief executive John Butler.
"Even if all the vessels in the world were able to run on alternative fuels - and the sector is working hard to make that happen - it will make no difference for our climate if that fuel is not available from clean sources." said Mr Butler.
The WSC wrote: "It is crucial that the fuel use obligations outlined in the proposal are matched by measures to ensure the supply of suitable fuels and infrastructure through RED and AFIR. The legal requirement to use certain fuels should be contingent on their availability."
The trade group also declared that the same geographic scope should apply for fuel use obligation to ensure the supply of clean fuels applies within the EU.
"With that comes a substantial risk of the EU failing to influence international shipping as intended," said the WSC.
"A consistent intra-EU scope for FuelEU would avoid the pitfalls of overlapping policies and generate the desired climate impact for the Union whilst supporting international progress through the IMO with the EU in a leadership position." said the WSC.
Organisations from the maritime and aviation communities are submitting comments about the proposal as the EU aims to conclude its comment period, moving the proposal forward to debate.


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