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Everett Washington port enjoys calls from ships fleeing congestion

Author:   Posttime:2022-01-14

WASHINGTON state's Port of Everett is enjoying greater patronage thanks to multipurpose/heavy-lift (MPV/HL) and container carriers seeking to avoid congested US west coast ports, reports IHS Media.

Long focused on breakbulk cargo, before 2021 the port was "30 per cent containers and 70 per cent project cargoes and now it's kind of flip-flopped," said Port of Everett's chief operating officer Carl Wollebak.
"We've got all this business, and everyone is stretched to the seams - but it's working." Containerised cargo rose to 17,494 units - a mix of TEU and FEU - and 53-foot containers - for the 11 months through November, up 351 per cent from the 3,875 units handled in the year-ago period.
Also, Seattle-based Amazon has been moving shipper-owned, laden 53-foot containers on chartered extra-loaders, including MPVs and general cargo ships, bound for uncongested ports such as the Port of Everett. Once discharged, the Amazon containers move by air, truck, and rail to North American distribution centers, Mr Wollebak said.


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