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UK to begin regulating nuclear shipping to cut CO2

Author:   Posttime:2022-08-31

BRITAIN plans to pass the largely technical Merchant Shipping (Nuclear Ships) Regulations into UK law, reports Vancouver's Ship & Bunker.

This transposes Chapter VIII in the Annex to the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) into domestic law.
From a practical standpoint, it moves the industry a step closer to nuclear-powered commercial ships, an important milestone in the regulatory progress for nuclear ship and nuclear fuel, said Core Power CEO Mikal Boe, a London-based marine engineering firm.
Nuclear-powered merchant vessels have historically been seen as impractical from a political standpoint, but interest in the technology has been growing as marine shipping looks to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions.
The US government has launched a new study looking into the possibility of using nuclear power in commercial shipping power.
Core Power plans to hold a meeting exploring the viability of using nuclear power for marine shipping soon.
This will focus on direct power for the vessel and the production of marine fuels including green hydrogen ammonia and methanol.


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