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Cyprus rallies EU partners to get shipping sector support

Author:   Posttime:2023-02-28

CYPRUS is speaking to other EU member states to generate support for the shipping industry affected by Russian sanctions, reports Reuters.
Cyprus has the third-largest shipping fleet in the EU after Malta and Greece.
In recent months, it has seen defections in a fifth of its oil tanker fleet, connected to sanctions on Russia.
The island's proposals include automatic extensions of tonnage tax systems and tonnage tax discounts for fleets with European and Ukrainian seafarers.
"We have not received a negative answer, but an answer that shows that the commission is not ready, at this stage, to take measures," said shipping minister Vassilios Demetriades.
"We don't pretend to know everything, but if a sector is challenged you expect to dedicate resources and think what measures should be brought to counterbalance negative consequences."
Mr Demetriades stated he would advise his successor to deal with the matter as a priority.
"I believe we are also responsible to better communicate this need, and that's why we have turned to other member states to share our concerns and make our voice stronger," said Mr Demetriades.


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