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Shipping lobbies to hold Manila summit on seafarers' future June 26

Author:   Posttime:2023-06-08

THE International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the International Maritime Employers'Council (IMEC) and the International Transport Workers'Federation (ITF) will hold a summit in Manila June 26 on how to ensure seafarers remain at the "heart of world shipping in 2050," reports Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide.

"The Seafarer 2050 summit is our opportunity to bring together the shipping industry and determine how we can continue to shape a better future for seafarers and ensure no one gets left behind in the green energy transition," said International Chamber of Shipping secretary general Guy Platten.

Said Belal Ahmed, chairman of the International Maritime Employers' Council: "Shipping is vital to global trade and our seafarers at the centre of this industry.The Seafarer 2050 summit will focus on the issues we need to work on to support our seafarers."

Said International Transport Workers'Federation general secretary Stephen Cotton: "This event is about looking out to 2050, to set out the practical plans needed for a Just Transition and a future-proof workforce."


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