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Shippers paying more for biofuel compensated with carbon credits

Author:   Posttime:2020-07-16

GOTHENBURG's Stena Bulk has announced that it is introducing the use of new low-carbon biofuel, reports Fort Lauderdale's Maritime Executive.

But customers will contribute to the cost of biofuel and receive carbon credits as compensation, said the report. By structuring the offering this way, customers can make use of the low-carbon shipping.
Implemented through a carbon-offset programme, customers can opt for 20 to 100 per cent biofuels. The biofuel will be used within the Stena fleet, but the company cannot confirm fuel availability.
MSC recently announced its programme where shippers compensate for the emissions generated from the transportation of their cargo by financially contributing to emissions reduction.
In April, Stena Bulk tested biofuel operations conducting a transatlantic voyage operating totally on biofuel aboard the 49,646-dwt tanker Stena Immortal.
The biofuel, derived from forest residues and waste oil products, was tested in tanks, storage, and burned in the engines.
Said Stena Bulk CEO Erik Hanell: "This type of fuel is one step in many combined sustainable solutions that need to be considered and can be used today."


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