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Four lines starting new China – Australia service

Author:   Posttime:2022-02-18

Pacific International Lines (PIL), TS Lines, Yang Ming and Sea Land Shipping are launching a new service between China and Australia.

Marcus Hand | Feb 17, 2022
The new service called the Sino Australia (Express) by PIL will start on 10 March from Qinqdao. There will be six vessels with an average capacity of 3,900 teu  deployed by the partner lines on the service.
Tonnie Lim, Chief Trade Officer, PIL, said, “We are launching this new SAE service to meet increasing demand from our customers for a more direct and faster service between the key ports in China and three main cities of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane in Australia. 
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“This reflects the ongoing healthy trade volume between China and Australia, and PIL is pleased to be able to support our customers in benefiting from this positive growth trend between the two countries.”
The service will call: Qingdao – Shanghai – Nansha – Shekou – Sydney – Melbourne – Brisbane – Qingdao.


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