LONDON health and safety lobby Container Shipping Supporting Seafarers (CSSS) has voiced concern over the physical and psychological impact of a container stack collapse on the seafarer.
CSSS believes that stack failure can result not only in physical injury or fatality but also cause post-traumatic stress disorders and similar conditions among seafarers, said its press release.
"To be working onboard a large vessel during a major stow collapse must be an extremely stressful experience. The sheer movement of so many containers as the stow collapses and containers land on deck or fall overboard, as well as all the noise must be very frightening and traumatic indeed," said the group.
"This is in addition to the potential exposure to serious injury and fatality as a result of collapsing containers, but also from their contents. In the case of hazardous cargoes leaking, ship and crew are placed in even more danger," CSSS said.
While CSSS is keen not to blame, the lobby's main concern is the safety and wellbeing of the seafarer during and after such an event.
"The crew has to stay onboard for the remainder of the voyage following major stow collapse. This needs to be reviewed as it is highly likely that seafarers will be emotionally and/or physically affected and require support," CSSS said.