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CMA CGM launches new service Asia - Latin America service

Author:   Posttime:2022-06-03

The ACSA 5 service will complement the 3 ACSA services already offered by CMA CGM, with competitive and short transit times particularly important for producers of perishable goods and fresh fruits.

The service rotation will be: Hong Kong, Shekou, Ningbo, Shanghai, Manzanillo, Meixco, Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala, San Antonio, Chile and back to Hong Kong. The service will operate with 5 vessels
Related: CMA CGM adds Brazil – China intermodal connections
The service is specially designed for reefer transportation of perishables & fresh fruits towards Asia, with first departure with the containership Colombo.
This improvement of CMA CGM's offering between Asia, Mexico and the West Coast of South America reinforces the Group's global coverage to meet customers’ expectations and needs.


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