作者: 发布时间:2020年10月05日 浏览量:1240 字体大小: A+ A-
来源:Offshore Energy 2020-10-02
翻译:国际海事信息网 黄子倩 张运鸿
最新的研究报告发现,与2005年相比,全美第二繁忙的集装箱港口——长滩港已经减少了88%的柴油机碳烟(diesel soot)排放和19%的温室气体排放。
长滩港最新发布的排放清单(emissions inventory report)显示,虽然长滩港的集装箱货物吞吐量自2005年以来增长了14%,但港口的柴油机颗粒物和硫氧化物排放量始终保持在较低水平。
2019年的排放清单显示,柴油机颗粒物排放已下降88%。硫氧化物排放则下降了97%,容易形成烟雾的氮氧化物(smog-forming nitrogen oxides)已减少58%。此外,温室气体排放量下降19%。以上数据对比均以2005年的污染水平为基准线,也就是“圣佩罗湾洁净空气行动计划”(San Pedro Bay Clean Air Action Plan, CAAP)开始实施的前一年。
长滩港港务管理委员会主席(Long Beach Harbor Commission President)弗兰克·科隆纳(Frank Colonna)评价说:“我们和供应链合作商共同努力,在改善空气质量、降低健康风险上已经取得了巨大的进步。”
“圣佩罗湾洁净空气行动计划”(San Pedro Bay Clean Air Action Plan, CAAP)最近一次更新是在2017年,现已囊括了与圣佩罗湾港口业务有关的多种减排措施。
借助“科技发展计划”(Technology Advancement Program)和其他资金扶持项目,长滩港投入了大量资金用来研发、演示全新的零碳装置,来支撑未来的大规模部署。长滩港近期正在开展演示项目,将测试60种不同的零碳装置。目前进出长滩港的货船中大约15%是零碳排放船舶。
长滩港执行董事马里奥·科尔德罗(Mario Cordero)表示:“目前,长滩港在各项项目上共投资1.5亿美元,都和清洁空气有关。我们迫切追求CAAP目标,希望到2030年实现货船零碳,到2035年实现集卡零碳。”
Port of Long Beach continues reducing harmful emissions
California’s Port of Long Beach, the second-busiest container port in the United States, has reduced diesel soot by 88 per cent and greenhouse gas emissions by 19 per cent compared to 2005 levels, a newly completed study of air pollution at the port found.
The port’s new emissions inventory report shows the port continued to demonstrate low levels of emissions for diesel particulates and sulfur oxides in 2019 despite containerized cargo at the Port of Long Beach growing 14 per cent since 2005.
According to the 2019 inventory, diesel particulates have dropped by 88 per cent. Sulfur oxides are down 97 per cent, while smog-forming nitrogen oxides have decreased 58 per cent. Additionally, GHG emissions reductions were 19 per cent. The pollution levels are all compared to the 2005 baseline, the year before the original San Pedro Bay Clean Air Action Plan (CAAP) was adopted.
“Together with our supply chain partners, we have made significant progress in improving air quality and reducing health risks,” Frank Colonna, Long Beach Harbor Commission President, commented.
“Although we are meeting most of our emissions goals, it is becoming clear we are at the limits of existing technology. That’s why we are investing millions to develop and deploy the cleaner equipment.”
The CAAP was last updated in 2017 and incorporates numerous strategies to continue to reduce emissions from port-related operations in San Pedro Bay.
The port is making a significant investment into developing and demonstrating the first-of-its-kind, zero-emissions equipment through the Technology Advancement Program, and other grant-funded projects, to support future wide-scale deployment. POLB is currently implementing demonstration projects that will test 60 different pieces of zero-emissions equipment. Approximately 15 per cent of the cargo-handling fleet at the port is already zero-emission fleet today.
“Right now, we have $150 million in projects all across our port, all in the name of cleaner air. We are aggressively pursuing the CAAP goals of having a zero-emissions cargo-handling fleet by 2030 and all zero-emissions drayage trucks by 2035,” Mario Cordero, Port of Long Beach Executive Director, said.