





作者:   发布时间:2021年04月15日    浏览量:1454   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:Offshore Energy 2021-04-14

翻译:国际海事信息网 黄子倩 张运鸿
        北极理事会北极海洋环境保护工作组(Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment, PAME)的最新报告显示,2013年至2019年间,途径西北航道的船只增加了44%。
        2013年约有112艘特种船(unique ships)进入该区域,平均航行距离为2.98海里,而2019年这一数字增加到160艘,平均航行距离为6.17海里。
        尽管西北航道没有官方定义,但该报告使用了加拿大《北极水域污染防治法》(Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act)中规定的“北极水域”定义,以划定其地理范围。
        北极航道船舶数量的增加意味着黑碳(black carbon)和温室气体排放量增加,危及该地区十分脆弱的海洋环境。
        清洁北极联盟(Clean Arctic Alliance)等组织继续呼吁采取强制性措施,要求所有在北极及附近作业的船只改用馏出燃料(distillate fuels)或其他更清洁的燃料,以保护北极环境。
Number of ships sailing the Northwest Passage up by 44%
Ships entering the Northwest Passage area increased 44% from 2013 to 2019, the latest report from the Arctic Council’s Working Group on the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME) shows.
Specifically, in 2013 some 112 unique ships entered the area travelling an average distance of 2.98 nautical miles, while in 2019 this number increased to 160 with average distance sailed standing at 6.17 miles.
Some of the most common ship types to navigate the area include bulk carriers, general cargo ships, fishing vessels and cruise ships.
The majority of commercial ships operating the Northwest Passage are Canadian, followed by ships flagged from Marshall Islands, Panama and the Bahamas.
The report has identified six primary routes being used by ships, as shown in the map below.
Even though there is no official definition of the Northwest Passage, the report uses the definition of Arctic Waters, set out under Canada’s Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act, to establish geographic scope.
The report is indicative of the increasing usage of the Arctic shipping routes by the shipping industry, which has been at the center of environmental concerns of NGOs.
Specifically, the increasing number of ships in the area has meant greater black carbon and GHG emissions jeopardizing the very delicate marine environment in the area.
Organizations like the Clean Arctic Alliance continue to call for a mandatory measure requiring all ships operating in and near to the Arctic to switch to distillate fuels or other cleaner fuels to protect the region.
The alliance believes it necessary for all shipping to move from oil-based fuel to other cleaner fuels or other methods of propulsion.
