





作者:   发布时间:2021年04月20日    浏览量:1285   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:Container Management 2021-04-19
翻译:国际海事信息网 王雅媛 张运鸿
       今年3月,洛杉矶港(Port of Los Angeles)的集装箱吞吐量跃升了113%,目前的严重拥堵与COVID-19开始时贸易放缓形成了鲜明对比。
       在这种特殊情况下,该港口创下了其历史上最繁忙的第一季度记录,与2020年相比增长了44%,3月份的吞吐量为957599 TEU。
       圣佩德罗湾(San Pedro Bay)港口的拥堵程度正在逐渐下降,停泊在港等待泊位的船只数量已从今年早些时候的30多艘降至20多艘。
       洛杉矶港执行董事Gene Seroka说:“随着越来越多的美国人接种疫苗,企业重新开业,经济走强,消费者继续以惊人的速度购买商品。”
       2021年3月装船进口达到490115 TEU,同比增长123%。
       装船出口小幅上升2%,至122899 TEU。空箱在亚洲需求旺盛,与2020年3月相比激增219%,达到344585 TEU。
       与洛杉矶港相邻的长滩港(Port of Long Beach)3月份的出口量为840387 TEU,尽管出口略有下降,但同比增长62%。进口量增长74%,空箱增长113%。
       长滩港执行董事Mario Cordero表示:“尽管疫情正在消退,但消费者今年在旅游上的支出减少,转而通过网络零售购买运动设备、办公家具和家居装饰用品的人数达到空前的水平。”
       2021年第一季度,长滩港的吞吐量为2376128 TEU,较2020年同期增长41%。
Port of Los Angeles volumes reach new heights amidst congestion
Container volumes jumped by 113% at the Port of Los Angeles in March, with severe congestion at present marking a sharp contrast to the slowdown of trade at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The exceptional circumstances saw the port record the busiest first quarter in its history, with a 44% leap compared to 2020, while 957,599 teu were handled in March.
The severity of the congestion at the San Pedro Bay complex is dropping gradually, with the number of ships at anchor awaiting berths down into the low 20s from more than 30 earlier in the year.
Port of Los Angeles executive director Gene Seroka said: “As more Americans get vaccinated, businesses reopen and the economy strengthens, consumers continue to purchase goods at a dizzying pace.”
March 2021 loaded imports reached 490,115 teu, an increase of 123% compared to the previous year.
Loaded exports edged up 2% to 122,899 teu. Empty containers, heavily in demand in Asia, surged 219% compared to March 2020 reaching 344,585 teu.
Neighbouring hub the Port of Long Beach 840,387 teu in March, marking a 62% increase, despite a slight fall in exports. Imports rose 74% while empty containers were up 113%.
Mario Cordero, Executive Director of the Port of Long Beach, stated: “Although the pandemic is receding, consumers are spending less on travel this year and turning toward online retail in unprecedented numbers to purchase exercise equipment, office furniture and home improvement items.
“The demand for e-commerce is happening more quickly than we anticipated, but we will continue to collaborate with our industry stakeholders to catch up with the unprecedented cargo volume at our gateway.”
The Port of Long Beach moved 2,376,128 teu during the first quarter of 2021, a 41% increase from the same period in 2020.

