作者: 发布时间:2021年06月01日 浏览量:758 字体大小: A+ A-
来源:Hellenic Shipping News 2021-05-29
翻译:国际海事信息网 顾晋瑄 王雅媛 张运鸿
美国农业部(United States Department of Agriculture,简称USDA)表示,截至9月30日的2021财年(Fiscal Year,简称FY),美国对华农产品出口预计将达创记录的350亿美元,超越2014财年296亿美元的纪录。
美国农业部在其最新发布的《美国农业贸易展望》(Outlook for U.S. Agricultural Trade)中表示,由于美国出口至中国的大豆、玉米、树坚果、牛肉、小麦和家禽产品的海运量创下了新高,美国农业部此次的预测较此前2月份的预测高出了35亿美元。
美国农业部长汤姆·维尔萨克(Tom Vilsack)在一份声明中表示:”在全球疫情流行和经济萎缩的形势下,美国证明了其农产品贸易具有超强的适应力,并且这一优势反映在当下美国农业部对美国农产品出口额的预测中。“
U.S. agricultural exports to China to hit record high: USDA
U.S. agricultural exports to China are expected to hit a record high of 35 billion U.S. dollars in fiscal year (FY) 2021 that ends on Sept. 30, eclipsing the previous record of 29.6 billion dollars in FY 2014, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) said.
The figure is 3.5 billion dollars higher than the department’s previous forecast in February, due to record shipments of soybeans, corn, tree nuts, beef, wheat and poultry products to China, the USDA said in its latest Outlook for U.S. Agricultural Trade.
“China is forecast to remain the largest market for U.S. agricultural exports in FY 2021, followed by Canada and Mexico,” the USDA said.
Overall U.S. agriculture exports in FY 2021 are projected at 164 billion dollars, up 7 billion dollars from the February forecast, according to the USDA.
Key drivers of the surge in exports include a record outlook for China, record export volumes and values for a number of key products, sharply higher commodity prices, and reduced foreign competition, the USDA said.
“U.S. agricultural trade has proven extraordinarily resilient in the face of a global pandemic and economic contraction. This strength is reflected in today’s USDA export forecast,” U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a statement.
“It’s clear that trade remains a critical engine powering the agricultural economy and the U.S. economy as a whole. Today’s estimate shows that our agricultural trading partners are responding to a return to certainty and reliability from the United States,” Vilsack said.