





作者:   发布时间:2021年06月27日    浏览量:470   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:Offshore Energy 2021-06-25

翻译:国际海事信息网 顾晋瑄 张运鸿
        英国港口协会(The British Ports Association,简称BPA)以合作伙伴的身份加入了世界港口可持续发展计划(World Ports Sustainability Programme,简称WPSP),推动全球港口业进一步将17个联合国可持续发展目标(UN Sustainable Development Goals,简称SDGs)纳入其业务和运营中。
        世界港口可持续发展计划由国际港口协会(the International Association of Ports and Harbors,简称IAPH)于2018年成立,其中BPA是该协会的准会员。
        BPA的政策和对外事务总监马克·西蒙兹(Mark Simmonds)说道:"我很高兴BPA将成为世界港口可持续发展计划的合作伙伴。我们成员在规模、商业模式、专业性及在可持续发展'旅程'中的位置方面都非常多样化。一些成员已经参与了该计划,而这会使英国更多港口有机会从一个不断扩大的全球知识、经验和专业库中学习并作出贡献。"
        IAPH技术总监安东尼斯·米哈伊尔(Antonis Michail)评论道:"BPA以合作伙伴身份加入该计划,且提出了自己的可持续性创新项目,也让我们有机会进一步分享英国港口的最佳实践。我们也期待着与BPA专家共事并向我们的技术委员会和合作伙伴计划投入资源。" 
BPA joins World Ports Sustainability Programme
The British Ports Association (BPA) has joined the World Ports Sustainability Programme (WPSP) as a partner, supporting the global drive to improve the ports industry’s further integration of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in its business and operations.
WPSP was founded in 2018 by the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH), of which the BPA is an associate member.
As explained, this is the first major step the BPA is taking in a more sustained and coordinated effort to support UK ports in decarbonising their operations.
The BPA represents over 400 ports, terminals and port facilities, accounting for 86% of UK port tonnage as well as all the major energy and passenger hubs. Joining the WPSP will give BPA members access to the IAPH’s extensive global suite of port environmental best practices and networks.
The program seeks to enhance and coordinate future sustainability efforts of ports worldwide and foster international cooperation with partners in the supply chain, covering climate and energy, resilience, community outreach, health safety and security, governance and ethics.
“I am delighted that the BPA is joining the WPSP as a partner. Our members are extremely diverse in their size, business model, speciality and in terms of where they are on their sustainability ‘journey’. Some of our members are already engaged with the programme, but this will give more UK ports the opportunity to learn from and contribute to a growing global bank of knowledge, experience and expertise,” Mark Simmonds, the BPA’s Director of Policy and External Affairs, said.
“Having BPA join the program as partner will also give us the opportunity to further share best practices from UK ports as they submit their own innovative sustainability projects. We also look forward to BPA experts working alongside and providing input into our technical committees and partnership programmes,” Antonis Michail, IAPH Technical Director, commented.
