作者: 发布时间:2021年07月28日 浏览量:710 字体大小: A+ A-
来源:Offshore Energy 2021-07-28
翻译:国际海事信息网 顾晋瑄 张运鸿
总部位于瑞士的地中海邮轮公司(MSC Cruises)已经提取了意大利有史以来建造的最大邮轮,也就是其新旗舰船,名为“MSC Seashore”号。
这些设备包括混合废气净化系统(exhaust gas cleaning systems,简称EGCS)和选择性催化还原系统(selective catalytic reduction systems,简称SCR),预计将实现硫氧化物(sulphur oxide,简称SOx)排放减少98%和氮氧化物(nitrogen oxide,简称NOx)排放减少90%。
废水处理系统的设计符合国际海事组织(International Maritime Organization,简称IMO)名为“MEPC 227(64)”的决议,从而达到其净化标准。
这艘EVO级船舶还配备了名为 “安全空气 ”的短波紫外线(UV-C)灯空气净化器技术,预计能够消除99%的病毒和细菌,以实现预防COVID病毒的安全运作。
地中海邮轮公司执行主席Pierfrancesco Vago表示:“建造 'MSC Seashore'号是一项投资,对意大利经济产生了近50亿欧元的直接和间接经济影响。”
"MSC Seashore"号将在地中海开始它的第一次出航,并在热那亚(Genoa)、那不勒斯( Naples)、庞贝(Pompeii)、墨西拿(Messina)、瓦莱塔(Valletta)、巴塞罗那(Barcelona)和马赛(Marseille)停靠。
它的姊妹船”MSC Seascape“号目前正在 Fincantieri Monfalcone船厂建造,并预计于2022年底投入使用。
MSC takes delivery of largest cruise ship built in Italy
Swiss-based cruise line MSC Cruises has taken delivery of the largest cruise ship ever built in Italy, its new flagship MSC Seashore.
The vessel, which features the latest-generation of environmental technologies and equipment, is built by Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri.
The equipment includes hybrid exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS) and selective catalytic reduction systems (SCR), which are expected to achieve a 98% reduction of sulphur oxide (SOx) emissions and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions by 90%.
The wastewater treatment system has been designed in line with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) MEPC 227(64) Resolution to meet the purification standards.
The EVO class ship is also equipped with “Safe Air” UV-C lamp air purifier technology, expected to eliminate 99% of viruses and bacteria to support COVID-safe operations.
“The construction of MSC Seashore is an investment that generates an direct and indirect economic impact of almost five billion euros on the Italian economy,” said MSC Cruises executive chairman Pierfrancesco Vago.
By investing in eco-friendly technologies, MSC Cruises expects to improve its position in achieving net carbon neutral operations by 2050.
MSC Seashore will begin its first season in the Mediterranean, calling at Genoa, Naples, Pompeii, Messina, Valletta, Barcelona and Marseille.
It will make its North American debut in November 2021 in Miami.
Its sister vessel MSC Seascape is currently under construction at the Fincantieri Monfalcone shipyard and is due to enter service in late 2022.