Nordic Shipholding在市场动荡情况下出售油轮船队
作者: 发布时间:2021年08月25日 浏览量:605 字体大小: A+ A-
来源:Offshore Energy 2021-08-23
翻译:国际海事信息网 顾晋瑄 张运鸿
总部设在丹麦的船东Nordic Shipholding公司在未能找到合并伙伴后,出售了其剩余的三艘船舶。
Nordic Shipholding公司于2020年8月透露,受到新冠疫情(COVID-19)大流行的影响,其与一家身份不明的油轮公司进行可能合并的商讨已经推迟了。
在哥本哈根(Copenhagen)上市的Nordic Shipholding公司拥有五艘成品油轮、四艘灵便型油轮和一艘LR1型船舶。
灵便型油轮受雇于Hafnia 的灵便型船队,LR1型船受雇于Hafnia的 LR1型船队(即以前的Straits船队),两者都由哥本哈根的Hafnia公司经营。
Nordic Shipholding sells tanker fleet amid volatile market
Denmark-based shipowner Nordic Shipholding has put the company’s three remaining vessels up for sale after failing to find a merger partner.
Since November 2020, the firm has held extensive discussions with potential merger partners and lenders in order to secure long-term viability.
However, such merger talks have been stalled and the company’s management has agreed to sell the vessels in accordance with the agreement with the lenders.
“Given the volatility in the sale and purchase market for these vessels, it is probable the Group may recognise a further write-down of the vessels’ carrying value in the range of US$4 – US$5 million in this financial year,” the company stated.
Furthermore, the company expects that various stakeholders will finance the business to secure that the plans of selling the vessels run without problems.
In August 2020, Nordic Shipholding revealed that the discussions on a potential merger with an unidentified tanker firm have been delayed due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Copenhagen-listed Nordic Shipholding owns five product tanker vessels, four handysize tankers and one LR1.
The handysize tankers are employed in the Hafnia handy pool, and the LR1 unit in the Hafnia LR1 pool (formerly Straits pool), both operated by Hafnia, Copenhagen.