




FPSO型船“Liza Unity”号获得世界上第一个“SUSTAIN”认证标识  

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FPSO型船“Liza Unity”号获得世界上第一个“SUSTAIN”认证标识  

来源:Offshore Energy 2021-09-14
翻译:国际海事信息网 顾晋瑄 张运鸿
        据ABS(美国船级社)称,SBM Offshore公司旗下的FPSO(海上浮式生产储油船)——“Liza Unity”号获得了由船级社授予的“SUSTAIN-1”认证标识,这是世界上第一艘获得该认证的FPSO型船舶。 
        正如周一ABS所说过的,“SUSTAIN-1”认证表明该船符合联合国可持续发展目标(the United Nations’Sustainable Development Goals ,简称SDGs)中概述的环境、社会和治理(Environmental, Social and Governance,简称ESG)三方面要求的关键因素。 
        船级社授予该船此认证意味着其设计与建设经评估符合ABS指南(the ABS Guide)中关于可持续性发展认证(Sustainability Notations)的要求。
        ABS全球海洋工程副总裁Matt Tremblay表示说:“这项认证表明了可持续发展标准是如何用于海上设计和运营的。我们很自豪地将首个FPSO型船舶的“SUSTAIN-1”认证授予“Liza Unity”号,这是向ExxonMobil和SBM Offshore对其建造和运营与联合国可持续发展目标相一致的行动表示重视。
        FPSO型船舶“Liza Unity ”号是ExxonMobil为了发展在圭亚那的Stabroek Block分区所造的第二艘FPSO型船舶。它也是SBM Offshore公司“Fast4Ward”项目所交付的第一艘FPSO型船舶,其每天装机容量大约高达22万桶石油。
        9月初,该艘FPSO型船舶从新加坡驶往圭亚那。该船在新加坡进行了顶部整合阶段工作,该阶段由Keppel公司完成。它将用于“Liza Phase 2 ”计划的开发,预计将在2022年初开生产。 
Liza Unity FPSO gets world’s first SUSTAIN notation
The ABS-classed and SBM Offshore-owned FPSO Liza Unity has been awarded the SUSTAIN-1 notation by the classification society – the first FPSO in the world to receive it, according to ABS. 
As explained by ABS on Monday, the SUSTAIN-1 notation demonstrates the vessel’s alignment with key elements of the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) requirements outlined in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
Awarding of the notation means that the design and construction of the unit are assessed against and adhere to the requirements of the ABS Guide for Sustainability Notations.
The ABS Guide for Sustainability Notations focuses on sustainability aspects of asset design, outfitting and layout that can be controlled, measured, and assessed. These include pollution and waste; coastal and marine ecosystems; energy efficiency and performance monitoring; low-carbon fuels; human-centred design; and asset recycling.
Matt Tremblay, ABS Vice President, Global Offshore, said: “This notation demonstrates how sustainability criteria can be used for offshore design and operations. We are proud to award the Liza Unity the first SUSTAIN-1 Notation for an FPSO, which recognizes the emphasis ExxonMobil and SBM Offshore are giving to the alignment of its construction and operation with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals”.
The Liza Unity FPSO is the second FPSO to be built for ExxonMobil’s Stabroek Block development in Guyana. It is also the first FPSO delivered under SBM Offshore’s Fast4Ward program and has an installed production capacity to produce approximately 220,000 barrels of oil per day.
The FPSO in early September sailed away from Singapore to Guyana. The vessel was in Singapore for the topside integration phase, which was done by Keppel. It will be used for the Liza Phase 2 development and is expected to begin production in early 2022. 
