作者: 发布时间:2022年02月09日 浏览量:632 字体大小: A+ A-
来源:Offshore Energy 2022-02-9
翻译:国际海事信息网 赵扬捷 张运鸿
据报道,在尼日利亚近海水域的浮式生产储卸油船FPSO Trinity Spirit发生爆炸后,至少有3人死亡,4人仍然下落不明。
该船于上周三发生爆炸,当时有10名船员在船上。这艘FPSO属于尼日利亚公司Shebah Exploration & Production Company(SEPCOL),目前尚未确认死亡人数。
根据SEPCOL的官网消息,该FPSO为OML 108区块提供服务,是该区块的主要生产设施,覆盖面积为750平方公里,水深为30米,位于尼日利亚近海浅水区的尼日尔三角洲西部边缘。这艘FPSO每天能够处理2.2万桶石油,可加工和注水4万桶/天,储存量为200万桶。
尼日利亚国家石油泄漏检测和响应机构( National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency, NOSDRA)表示,它一直在与其他利益相关者密切合作,以确保对环境的影响最小。
Report: Three dead, four still missing after FPSO explosion in Nigeria
At least three people have reportedly died while four are still missing following an explosion of the oil production and storage vessel, FPSO Trinity Spirit, in waters offshore Nigeria.
The vessel exploded last Wednesday while 10 crew members were on board. At the time, the Shebah Exploration & Production Co. (SEPCOL), which has the vessel on lease, stated that no fatalities had been confirmed.
The FPSO serves and is the primary production facility for block OML 108, covering covers an area of 750 km2 in a water depth of 30m in the western edge of the Niger Delta in shallow water offshore Nigeria. It was able to process up to 22,000 barrels a day, process and inject up to 40,000bwpd, and store 2mmbbls of oil, according to SEPCOL’s website.
Following the explosion, concerns were raised about the lives of the workers and the effects of the oil spill from the vessel on the environment.
According to a Monday report by Reuters, citing the operating company, three were found dead on Sunday after three people had been found alive last week, meaning four people are still missing.
“Our priority remains focused towards establishing the whereabouts, safety, and security of the four crew members still missing,” the company was quoted as saying.
Citing two sources and an environmental group, Reuters previously reported that the FPSO had been badly maintained and had technical issues.
Nigeria’s THISDAYLIVE confirmed on Wednesday that three persons aboard the vessel have now been confirmed dead, three have been found alive and four crew members were still unaccounted for as of yesterday.
“Thus far, the potential total number of the crew members accounted for is six, including the three persons who were found alive last week,” the news outlet quoted SEPCOL saying.
Efforts are now focused on cleaning up the area to minimise any damage to the environment.
Nigeria’s National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency (NOSDRA) said it has been working closely with other stakeholders to ensure minimal environmental impact.