作者: 发布时间:2022年04月24日 浏览量:567 字体大小: A+ A-
来源:Offshore Energy 2022-04-22
翻译:国际海事信息网 顾晋瑄 张运鸿
总部位于挪威的船舶储能公司Corvus Energy已经为全球首艘电力驱动油轮提供电池系统。
“Asahi”号这艘新船归日本航运公司Asahi Tanker所有。早在2020年,Asahi公司就订购了两艘相同的电力驱动油轮。
这家挪威公司(Asahi Tanker)称道,本周早些时候,该e5型“Asahi”号油轮在日本海的码头引起了人们的强烈兴趣。
去年1月,Corvus Energy公司为日本造船厂川崎重工业株式会社(Kawasaki Heavy Industries,简称KHI)选中,为这艘零排放船舶提供储能系统(energy storage system,简称EGS)。
两家日本造船厂Koa Sangyou Co和Imura Zosen KK分别负责建造一艘船,而KHI公司则是以上这两家造船厂的系统集成商。
World’s 1st zero-emission tanker showcases Corvus batteries
Norway-based energy storage company Corvus Energy has supplied batteries for the world’s first electric-powered tanker.
The newbuild, named Asahi, is owned by Japanese shipping firm Asahi Tanker. Back in 2020, Asahi ordered two identical electrically-powered tankers.
According to the Norwegian firm, the e5 Asahi tanker generated huge interest when it was quayside at Sea Japan earlier this week.
The vessel is powered by large-capacity Corvus Orca lithium-ion battery and the vessel’s core energy system is completely electrified to achieve zero emissions of CO2, nitrogen oxide (NOx) and sulphur oxide (SOx).
In January last year, Corvus Energy was selected by Japanese shipbuilder Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) to supply the energy storage system (EGS) for the zero-emission ship.
Japanese shipbuilders Koa Sangyou Co and Imura Zosen KK have been in charge of constructing one vessel each, while KHI serves as the system integrator for the duo.
Last December, the 499 GT newbuild was launched as the first of two next-generation all-electric tankers.
Compared to conventional tankers, the Asahi generates less noise and vibration and has more space for the crew.
The tanker will soon enter service in Tokyo Bay.
The second zero-emission electric-powered tanker is expected to be delivered in March 2023.