





作者:   发布时间:2022年08月14日    浏览量:595   字体大小:  A+   A- 

来源:Offshore Energy 2022-08-12
翻译:国际海事信息网 顾晋瑄 张运鸿
        丹麦海上钻井承包商马士基钻探(Maersk Drilling)公司将其一座自升式钻井平台使用延长两个月,继续在丹麦近海为道达尔能源(TotalEnergies)公司作业。
        马士基钻探公司早在2021年11月表示,道达尔能源公司已预订“ Maersk Interceptor”号自升式钻井平台于丹麦北海提供膳宿服务,并且该合同将于2022年上半年生效。
        马士基钻探公司本周五最新消息透露,法国能源巨头道达尔能源公司的子公司丹麦道达尔能源公司(TotalEnergies EP Denmark)已行使一项选择权,将丹麦北海自升式钻井平台“Maersk Interceptor”号提供膳宿服务工作延期两个月。
        “Maersk Interceptor”号是一架2013年建造适于超恶劣环境的CJ70 XLE型自升式钻井平台,用于北海全年作业,其能够容纳150人次。
Maersk rig staying in Denmark with TotalEnergies
Danish offshore drilling contractor Maersk Drilling has secured a two-month extension for one of its jack-up rigs, which will continue to carry out operations offshore Denmark for TotalEnergies.
Back in November 2021, Maersk Drilling informed that TotalEnergies had booked the Maersk Interceptor jack-up rig to provide accommodation services in the Danish North Sea, explaining that the contract was set to start in the first half of 2022.
As reported at the time, the deal had a firm duration of eight months and was scheduled to begin in March and end in November 2022.
In an update on Friday, Maersk Drilling revealed that TotalEnergies EP Denmark, a subsidiary of the French energy giant TotalEnergies, has exercised an option to add two months to the accommodation services work scope for the jack-up rig Maersk Interceptor in the Danish North Sea.
The rig owner outlined that this contract extension is going to start in November 2022, in direct continuation of the rig’s current contract. Maersk Drilling also pointed out that two two-month options remain on the contract, thus, the rig’s stay with TotalEnergies could be extended further.
The 2013-built Maersk Interceptor is an ultra-harsh environment CJ70 XLE jack-up rig, designed for year-round operations in the North Sea. It can accommodate 150 people.
When it comes to Maersk Drilling’s most recent deals, it is worth noting that the Danish offshore drilling contractor secured a deal with Shell for one of its jack-up rigs at the end of June 2022 to drill a gas prospect in the North Sea.
This prospect is expected to provide the UK with additional gas sources in the midst of the current geopolitical crisis, which has led to global energy security concerns.
