





作者:   发布时间:2022年10月30日    浏览量:510   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:Offshore Energy 2022-10-28

翻译:国际海事信息网 顾晋瑄 张运鸿
        全球首艘氢动力拖船“Hydrotug 1”号抵达比利时的奥斯坦德港(Port of Ostend)。
        收尾工作完成后,该拖船于10月27日星期四抵达奥斯坦德港安装氢气系统。安特卫普-布鲁日(Antwerp-Bruges)港务局表示,“Hydrotug 1”号安装系统并会进行测试,以便其能于2023年第一季度在安特卫普全面投入使用。
        港务局补充说,选择奥斯坦德港口是因为拖船可以在那里使用{非本站网址}公司的Hydrocat 48型加氢设施。 
        “Hydrotug 1”号由两个BeHydro V12双燃料中速发动机组成,氢气和传统燃料皆可用。同时,它能够在甲板上安装的6个静止器中储存415公斤的压缩氢气,从而减少了相当于350辆汽车产生的污染排放量。
        奥斯坦德港于2019年向位于安特卫普的Compagnie Maritime Belge(CMB)公司订购了这艘拖船。
        “Hydrotug 1”号属于安特卫普-布鲁日港船队整体环保计划的一部分,并且将于2050年前转至气候中和型港口。
        这项承诺在比利时宣布修订该国联邦氢气战略时具有格外重要的意义。 为了实现碳中和,比利时需要大量可再生氢气,其来源除了当地生产,主要还是通过进口获取。该战略的目标之一便是将比利时界定为欧洲绿色氢气的进口与转运中心。
World’s 1st hydrogen-powered tugboat arrives in Belgium 
The Hydrotug 1, the world’s first hydrogen-powered tugboat, has arrived in the Port of Ostend, Belgium.
The tugboat was built at Armón Shipyards in Navia Spain where it hit the water on 16 May 2022. 
Following the completion of the finishing touches, the tug arrived in the port of Ostend on Thursday 27 October, where it will be fitted with a hydrogen system. Following the installation and testing, the goal is to have the Hydrotug 1 fully operational in Antwerp in the first quarter of 2023, according to the Antwerp-Bruges port authority.
The port authority added that Ostend was chosen because the tug can use the hydrogen bunkering facilities of {非本站网址}’s Hydrocat 48 there. 
The Hydrotug 1 consists of two BeHydro V12 dual-fuel medium-speed engines that can run on both hydrogen and traditional fuel. It can store 415kg of compressed hydrogen in 6 stillages installed on deck and eliminates the emissions equivalent of 350 cars.
The port ordered the tug in 2019 from Antwerp-based Compagnie Maritime Belge (CMB).
The Hydrotug 1 is part of an integrated greening programme for the Port of Antwerp-Bruges fleet and its transition to a climate-neutral port by 2050. 
Port of Antwerp-Bruges wants to play a key role in the import, local production, processing, and throughput of green hydrogen and hydrogen carriers, such as ammonia and methanol.
The commitment is of particular importance as Belgium announces a revision of the country’s federal hydrogen strategy. To become carbon neutral, Belgium needs large quantities of renewable hydrogen, which is produced locally but will mainly have to be imported in large quantities. One of the goals of the strategy is to position Belgium as an import and transit hub in Europe for green hydrogen.
