





作者:   发布时间:2023年01月04日    浏览量:439   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:Offshore Energy 2023-01-03
翻译:国际海事信息网 赵扬捷 张运鸿
        西班牙Boluda Corporación Marítima公司旗下的Boluda拖船公司已向位于波罗的海地区德国东北部的格赖夫斯瓦尔德湾(Bay of Greifswald)的小港口卢布明(Lubmin)派遣了四艘拖船。
        该公司在12月中旬浮式存储和再气化装置(floating storage and regasification unit, FSRU)"海王星 "进入港口的计划中发挥了核心作用。
        Boluda拖船公司、德国公司Deutsche ReGas、Nautitec公司、当地港口当局和飞行员之间的密切合作,为在卢布明建立LNG码头的必要准备工作铺平了道路。
        根据2022年7月签署的合同,Deutsche ReGas从法国能源巨头道达尔能源(TotalEnergies)租赁了FSRU Neptune,并于9月20日在卢布明启动了LNG终端的建设。
        Boluda Towage德国公司总经理Boris Szczesik说:"我们喜欢成为一个伟大团队的一部分,并感谢帮助DeutscheReGas实现创建卢布明LNG的目标。我们还要特别感谢Nautitec公司和Boluda Towage公司的拖船船长和拖轮船长承担起这个责任。看到我们的团队对专业准备和成就的如此承诺,让我们感到自豪,这也是对高质量服务和安全拖船作业的热情的体现。"
        与Nautitec一起,Boluda Towage的四艘拖船计划进行更具体的小型船舶拖曳模拟训练。
        目前在卢布明港开始运营时,Boluda Towage拥有一支由四艘强大的拖船(VB LUCA、VB FRITZI、VB IVY和VB HENNY)组成的船队。
Boluda launches towage services in Port of Lubmin, helps accommodate FSRU Neptune
Boluda Towage, part of Spain’s Boluda Corporación Marítima, has dispatched four tugs to Lubmin, a small port located in the German Bay of Greifswald in the Baltic Sea region.
The company has played a central role in the planning for the maneuvering of the floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) Neptune into the port in mid-December.
 Due to the narrow space in the Lubmin harbor basin, large LNG carriers cannot enter or approach the FSRU facility. Therefore, one storage vessel (FSU) will be anchored outside the port and a set of three smaller LNG carriers will provide transportation between the FSU storage vessel and the FSRU facility.
“Prior to the arrival of the FSRU Neptune, Boluda Towage and Nautitec, a simulation center in Leer, Germany, investigated how to safely maneuver the FSRU Neptune in the small harbor basin of Lubmin (with a maneuvering space of less than two meters),” Boluda said.
“They undertook weeks of intensive simulation training, during which the company’s tug Masters were trained to accurately maneuver in a specialized trailer configuration and learned how to man the trailer as precisely as possible.”
The close collaboration between Boluda Towage, Deutsche ReGas, Nautitec, local port authorities, and pilots, paved the way for the necessary preparations for the establishment of the LubminLNG terminal.
As we reported earlier, FSRU Neptune arrived at the industrial port of Lubmin in Germany on December 16, signaling that the tests can soon begin at the country’s first and so far only privately financed LNG terminal.
Deutsche ReGas chartered the FSRU Neptune from French energy major TotalEnergies under the contract signed in July 2022 and kicked off the construction of the LNG terminal in Lubmin on 20 September.
Once it starts delivering LNG, the terminal is expected to feed up to 4.5 billion cbm of gas annually into the German transmission network.
If granted the permissions soon, the Lubmin terminal could become the second operational FSRU-based terminal in Germany, following in the footsteps of the newly commissioned Wilhelmshaven facility.
“We enjoy being part of a great team and are grateful to help DeutscheReGas with the ambition to create LubminLNG. We would also like to dedicate a special thanks to Nautitec and Boluda Towage’s Tow Masters and Tug Masters for taking on the responsibility. Seeing such commitment to professional preparation and accomplishment by our team makes us proud and is an example of passion for high quality service and safe towing operations,” Boluda Towage Germany managing director Boris Szczesik said.
Together with Nautitec, a more specific simulation training for the towing of small vessels is scheduled to be carried out by Boluda Towage’s four tugs.
At the current start of operations in the port of Lubmin, Boluda Towage has a fleet of four powerful tugs (VB LUCA, VB FRITZI, VB IVY and VB HENNY) in the range of 60.2 tons up to 79 tons with fixed-point pulling and fire fighting capabilities.
The company said that the required tug capacity can be expanded according to the needs and requests of the clients in the port.
