全球首艘液化氢运输船“Suiso Frontier”号抵达阿曼国
作者: 发布时间:2023年08月14日 浏览量:285 字体大小: A+ A-
来源:Offshore Energy 2023-08-14
翻译:国际海事信息网 顾晋瑄 张运鸿
全球首艘液化氢动力运输船“Suiso Frontier”号由川崎重工业株式会社(Kawasaki Heavy Industries,简称KHI)建造,将于今天(8 月 14 日)抵达位于阿曼国(Oman)首都马斯喀特(Muscat)的苏丹卡布斯港(Sultan Qaboos Port)。
据当地媒体报道,该船从阿布扎比(Abu Dhabi )启航,驶往马斯喀特,这是其首次到访阿曼苏丹国(Sultanate of Oman)。
从商业角度来讲,“Suiso Frontier”号驶抵阿曼国(Oman)的航程将是开发氢气燃料市场可行性供应链中的一大里程碑事件。国际能源机构(International Energy Agency,简称IEA)在其最近发布的报告《阿曼的可再生氢:转型中的生产国经济》(Renewable Hydrogen from Oman: A Producer Economy in Transition)中称,到 2030 年,阿曼国(Oman)有望成为极具竞争力的低碳排放氢气供应国。
“Suiso Frontier”号于2020年完成建造,是一艘能够评估液化氢海上运输技术方面的原型船。
此外,它还配备了柴油与电力双推进系统,航速可达 13.0节。这艘归属于日本船级社(ClassNK)运输船载人数为25。
“Suiso Frontier”号的首航于2021年12月驶离日本,并于2022年1月抵达澳大利亚,在澳大利亚维多利亚州装载用煤生产的液化氢。2022 年 2 月,该船返航回到日本,将其运载的液化氢卸载至陆上储罐中。
在该船的首航过程中,由于电气电磁阀安装有误,导致液化氢载气燃烧装置的通风管喷出火焰而引发了火灾事故。但尽管如此,“Suiso Frontier”号仍将世界上首批液化氢成功运抵日本。
World’s first liquefied H2 carrier Suiso Frontier to visit Oman
Suiso Frontier, the world’s first liquefied hydrogen carrier built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI), is scheduled to arrive at the Sultan Qaboos Port in Muscat, Oman, today (14 August).
According to local media reports, the ship departed Abu Dhabi and is heading to Muscat for its first visit to the Sultanate of Oman.
The visit of the Suiso Frontier to Oman is being described as a milestone in developing commercially viable supply chains for the hydrogen market. According to the recent report by International Energy Agency (IEA), Renewable Hydrogen from Oman: A Producer Economy in Transition, this country is on track to become a competitive low-emissions hydrogen supplier by 2030.
The Suiso Frontier was built in 2020 as a prototype ship to assess the technical aspects of transporting liquified hydrogen by sea.
The 8,0000 tonnes ship is 116 metres long and 19 metres wide, carrying a double tank with a capacity of 1,250 cubic metres to retain hydrogen and maintain it a temperature of -253 degrees Celsius.
In addition, it features a diesel-electric propulsion system and can achieve a speed of 13.0 knots. The ClassNK-classed vessel can carry 25 people.
For its maiden voyage, the Suiso Frontier left Japan in December 2021 and arrived in Australia in January 2022 to pick up liquefied hydrogen produced from coal in Victoria, Australia. It returned to Japan in February 2022, unloading the cargo to a landside storage tank.
During the ship’s maiden voyage, a fire incident occurred due to the failure of an incorrectly-fitted electrical solenoid valve which led to the brief propagation of flame from a liquified hydrogen carrier gas combustion unit’s vent stack. Nevertheless, the Suiso Frontier manage to deliver the world’s first cargo of liquefied hydrogen to Japan.
When it comes to hydrogen-related developments in Oman, it is worth reminding that the country formed several new partnerships and signed numerous project agreements since the beginning of the year.