





作者:   发布时间:2023年09月17日    浏览量:332   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:Hellenic Shipping News 2023-09-15
翻译:国际海事信息网 赵扬捷 张运鸿

        马士基周四表示,该航运公司与其大股东合作成立了一家生产 "绿色甲醇 "的新公司,并为全球首艘使用这种低碳燃料的集装箱船举行了命名仪式。

        绿色甲醇由生物质或从可再生能源中捕获的碳和氢生产,与传统化石燃料相比,可将集装箱船的二氧化碳排放量减少 60% 至 95%。

        航运业占全球温室气体排放量的 3%,目前已订购了 100 多艘能使用甲醇航行的集装箱船,希望这种更环保的燃料能帮助航运业实现到 2050 年净零排放的目标。

        马士基于今年 7 月接收了世界上第一艘使用甲醇的集装箱船,并开始了从韩国到欧洲的首次航行。

        在哥本哈根马士基总部外的港口举行的仪式上,欧盟委员会主席乌苏拉-冯德莱恩将这艘长 172 米、可装载 2,136 个 20 英尺集装箱的船只命名为劳拉-马士基号,以纪念 1886 年第一艘悬挂马士基蓝底白星标志的船只。

        据咨询公司 DNV 预测,到 2028 年,以甲醇为燃料的船舶数量将从今年的 30 艘增至 200 艘。然而,绿色甲醇的生产却落后于需求。

        本周四,马士基的大股东丹麦工业集团 A.P. Moller Holding(APMH)表示,它已成立了一家新公司 C2X,该公司将在埃及苏伊士运河和西班牙韦尔瓦港附近以及其他几个地方开展大型绿色甲醇项目。

        马士基公司董事长罗伯特-马士基-乌格拉(Robert Maersk Uggla)说:"为了成功摆脱化石燃料,我们必须共同应对下一个巨大挑战,那就是实现并扩大全球绿色燃料的供应。“

        两家公司表示,C2X 的多数股权由 APMH 持有,马士基持有 20% 的股份。目前尚不清楚新企业筹集了多少资金。


Shipping group Maersk sets up green methanol company

Maersk has teamed up with its majority owner to form a new company to produce “green methanol”, the shipping company said on Thursday, as it held a naming ceremony for the world’s first container vessel powered by the low-carbon fuel.

Green methanol, produced either from biomass or captured carbon and hydrogen from renewable power, can reduce carbon dioxide emissions from container ships by 60% to 95% compared with conventional fossil fuels.

With more than 100 container vessels capable of sailing on methanol on order, the shipping industry, which accounts for 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions, hopes the greener fuel will help it achieve a goal of net zero emissions by 2050.

Maersk took delivery of the world’s first such container vessel in July, when it began its debut journey from South Korea to Europe.

At a ceremony at the harbour outside Maersk’s headquarters in Copenhagen, the 172-meter-long vessel capable of carrying 2,136 twenty-foot containers was named Laura Maersk by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, after the first ship to sail with Maersk’s white star on blue logo in 1886.

The number of methanol-fuelled vessels is expected to exceed 200 by 2028, up from 30 this year, consultancy DNV forecasts. However, production of green methanol is lagging behind demand.

On Thursday, Danish industrial group A.P. Moller Holding (APMH), majority-owner of Maersk, said it had formed a new company C2X that will pursue large-scale green methanol projects near the Suez Canal in Egypt and the port of Huelva in Spain, as well as in several other locations.

“To successfully transition away from fossil fuels we must jointly address the next big challenge and that is to enable and scale the world’s supply of green fuels,” Maersk Chairman Robert Maersk Uggla said.

C2X is majority owned by APMH while Maersk holds a 20% stake, the companies said. It was not immediately clear how much capital had been raised by the new venture.
