




LNG动力船舶“Liselotte Essberger”号在Hamburg举行命名仪式

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LNG动力船舶“Liselotte Essberger”号在Hamburg举行命名仪式

来源:Offshore Energy 2023-12-08
翻译:国际海事信息网 顾晋瑄 张运鸿

        E&S Tankers是一家Essberger Tankers和Stolt Tankers两家航运公司在德国的合资企业。该公司为其四艘液化天然气(LNG)动力化学品集装箱新船中的第一艘举行了命名仪式。

        2023年12月6日,这艘6,600载重吨新船首次航行至Hamburg一地时,被命名为 “Liselotte Essberger”号。此次命名仪式在Hamburg港口的Altona邮轮码头举行。

        John T. Essberger在社交媒体上表示:“随着香槟酒瓶的破碎,公司成功、进步和环保责任的新篇章也随之启程。配备了双燃料发动机的‘Liselotte’号是可持续航运船舶的先驱,我们为此深感自豪。”

        这艘悬挂葡萄牙国旗的新造船于2021年在招商局金陵鼎衡船厂(China Merchants Jinling Shipyard Dingheng)签下造船订单,并于2023年8月交付给该公司。



        德国联邦数字与运输部(Germany’s Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport)为该船的建造提供了总额为158万欧元的资金支持,以抵消该船液化天然气推进装置额外产生的部分成本,这属于德国政府实施其“交通和燃料战略”(Mobility and Fuels Strategy)的一部分。这项资助项目由NOW GmbH公司负责协调工作。


        船舶主推进系统是一台“MAN”双燃料“6L35/44”型发动机,功率为3,180 千瓦(换算约4,325马力),转速为750转/分,可根据需要选用船用燃气油(柴油)或液化天然气(LNG)作为燃料。该发动机符合“Tier III”环境质量标准,其设计巡航速度达12.5海里/小时。


LNG-powered tanker Liselotte Essberger named in Hamburg

E&S Tankers, a Germany-based joint venture between shipping companies Essberger Tankers and Stolt Tankers, has christened the first of four new LNG-powered parcel chemical tankers.

The 6,600 dwt Liselotte Essberger was named during its first visit to Hamburg on December 6, 2023. The ceremony was held at the Altona cruise terminal in the Port of Hamburg. 

“With the shattering of the champagne bottle, we opened a new chapter of success, growth and environmental responsibility. Equipped with dual-fuel engine, we were proud to introduce Liselotte as the initiator of more sustainable shipping,” John T. Essberger said on social media. 

The Portugal-flagged newbuilding was ordered from China Merchants Jinling Shipyard Dingheng in 2021. It was delivered to the company in August 2023.

The first voyage after commissioning was from the port of loading in northern China via Singapore, the Suez Canal through the Mediterranean northwards to Hamina in Finland, and finally to Hamburg.

The ship travelled the majority of its maiden voyage in LNG mode.

Construction of the ship was supported by Germany’s Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport with funding totaling €1.58 million to partially offset the additional costs for the ship’s LNG propulsion as part of the implementation of the German government’s Mobility and Fuels Strategy. The funding program is being coordinated by NOW GmbH. 

The newbuild vessel is an ice-going (1A) chemical tanker with 16 stainless steel tanks. Crewed by 15 people, it has a length of 116.6 meters, a width of 18 meters, and a draught of 9.2 meters. 

The main propulsion system is a MAN dual fuel type 6L35/44 engine with 3,180 kW/4,325 hp at 750 rpm, which can be fueled with marine gas oil (diesel) or liquefied natural gas (LNG) as required. This engine complies with the high Tier III environmental quality standard and is designed for a cruising speed of 12.5 knots.
