




Navigator Gas 完成首次船对船氨气输送

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Navigator Gas 完成首次船对船氨气输送

来源:Offshore Energy 2024-04-12
翻译:国际海事信息网 赵扬捷 张运鸿

        Navigator Holdings(Navigator Gas)是一家总部位于英国的灵便型液化气船船队所有者和运营商,该公司完成了首次船对船氨气转运。

        Navigator Gas 的 38,000 立方米液化石油气(LPG)运输船 NAVIGATOR JORF 从停泊在南非恩奎拉港口的 LPG 油轮 ECO ORACLE 接收了 25,300 公吨无水氨(NH3)。

        继液化气船对船转移历史之后,Navigator Gas公司于2024年4月3日完成了此次氨气转移。

        Navigator Gas公司预计,这一过程将带来未来利用氨作为替代燃料的机会,并促进向零排放航运的过渡。

        NAVIGATOR JORF船长Vitaly Kostyuk表示: "我们实施了全面的安全和风险管理程序,按照法规和港务局的要求安全地完成了转运工作。“

        首席执行官 Mads Peter Zacho 评论说: "完成这次船对船的转运证明了氨燃料的实际可行性,是支持和推动向可行的无碳燃料过渡的重要一步。”


       至于与氨相关的其他活动,值得一提的是,在2023年底,Navigator Gas和挪威雅苒国际的风险投资机构雅苒增长风险投资公司(Yara Growth Ventures)分别收购了挪威氨燃料供应初创公司Azane Fuel Solutions 14.5%的股权。

        预计这笔投资将使 Azane 能够开始在挪威建造首个氨气燃料供应装置,旨在启动海运向零碳燃料的过渡。


Navigator Gas completes its first ship-to-ship ammonia transfer

Navigator Holdings (Navigator Gas), a UK-headquartered owner and operator of a fleet of handysize liquefied gas carriers, has performed its first ship-to-ship ammonia transfer.

Navigator Gas’ 38,000 cbm liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) carrier NAVIGATOR JORF received 25,300 metric tonnes of anhydrous ammonia (NH3) from LPG tanker ECO ORACLE, whilst moored alongside in the Port of Ngqura, South Africa.

Following a history of liquified gas ship-to-ship transfers, Navigator Gas completed this ammonia transfer on April 3, 2024.

Navigator Gas expects this process to lead to future opportunities to utilize ammonia as an alternative fuel source and to facilitate the transition towards zero-emissions shipping.

Vitaly Kostyuk, Master of NAVIGATOR JORF, stated: “We implemented our comprehensive safety and risk management procedures to complete the transfer in a safe manner, in compliance with the regulations and port authority requirements.”

Mads Peter Zacho, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), commented: “Completing this ship-to-ship transfer demonstrates the practical feasibility of ammonia bunkering and is an important step in supporting and driving the transition towards a viable carbon-free fuel source.”

“It is our aim to put our full ammonia experience to work with our partners in demonstration projects, pilot projects and joint ventures so we accelerate the transition from fossil to carbon-free fuels.”

As for other ammonia-related Navigator Gas activities, it is worth mentioning that in late 2023, Navigator Gas and Yara Growth Ventures, the venture investment arm of Norwegian Yara International, each acquired a 14.5% interest in the Norwegian ammonia bunkering startup Azane Fuel Solutions.

The investment is expected to enable Azane to begin construction of its first bunkering unit for ammonia supply in Norway, aiming to kickstart the transition to zero-carbon fuels for maritime transportation.
