




TES 和“K” Line 携手打造可持续海运解决方案

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TES 和“K” Line 携手打造可持续海运解决方案

来源:VesselFinder 2024-06-14 

翻译:国际海事新闻网 檀智 张运鸿 


        绿色能源公司Tree Energy Solutions(TES)在电子天然气(e-NG,一种由绿色氢气衍生的电力天然气)生产方面全球领先,日本知名物流公司川崎汽船株式会社(“K” LINE)则因其多样化的船队远近闻名。两家公司携手,共同致力于引领海运行业在2050年之前实现向温室气体零排放的转型。


        TES的使命是通过大型项目提供可靠且经济实惠的绿色能源,现在它正在全球范围内开发电子天然气生产和进口的组合项目。电子天然气,这种绿色氢气和生物源或回收来的二氧化碳结合而成的绿色分子,有望彻底改变海运业的脱碳化进程。与此同时,“K” LINE正朝着2030年的中期目标稳步前进,包括将其船舶燃料换成更清洁的燃料,如氢气和电子天然气。


        “K” LINE和TES正在探索合作机会,包括扩大e-NG合作伙伴关系的范围和加速海事运输采用清洁燃料。这一合作包括将捕获的二氧化碳排放与绿色氢气混合以生产电子天然气,从而为“K” LINE的船舶提供更清洁的船舶燃料。这类讨论旨在确保并采购电子天然气这一可持续燃料,以满足“K” LINE或其子公司在欧洲的燃料需求,这些燃料源自TES位于德国威廉港的绿色能源中心。


        此外,双方还将考虑健全与低/非碳燃料,碳强度,二氧化碳核算、认证和激励措施相关的监管环境。通过这些支持性监管框架,“K” LINE和TES意在推动电子天然气项目的发展,加速向更可持续的能源未来转型。




        TES的首席执行官兼联合创始人Marco Alverà评论道:“‘K’ LINE与TES的合作伙伴关系标志着我们共同努力推动海运业脱碳的重要里程碑。通过利用TES在绿色燃料方面的专业知识和‘K’ LINE对长途航运脱碳的承诺,我们旨在开创更清洁、更高效的海运业务,为全球行业树立榜样。”


        “K” LINE的常务执行董事Satoshi Kanamori评论道:“在‘K’ LINE,我们致力于实现海运业碳中和的愿景。与TES合作使我们能够结合双方的优势和资源,促进电子天然气的使用,为更可持续的航运和物流行业奠定基础。”




Tree Energy Solutions (TES), a global green energy company leading the way in the production of e-NG (electric natural gas derived from green hydrogen), and Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE), a prominent Japanese logistics company renowned for its diverse fleet, are teaming up with each other to lead the transition towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in the maritime sector by 2050.

With a mission to deliver reliable and affordable green energy through giga-scale projects, TES is developing a global portfolio of e-NG production and import projects. e-NG, a green molecule obtained by combining green hydrogen with biogenic or recycled CO2, is poised to revolutionise the decarbonisation of the maritime transport sector. In parallel, “K” LINE is strategically advancing towards 2030 interim milestones, which include transitioning its vessel to cleaner fuels such as hydrogen and e-NG.


“K” LINE and TES are exploring potential collaboration opportunities, including broadening the scope of e-NG partnerships and the various facets of the value chain to accelerate the adoption of cleaner fuels in maritime transport. This collaboration entails blending captured CO2 emissions with green hydrogen to produce e-NG, thereby facilitating the transition to cleaner bunker fuels for “K” LINE's vessels. Such discussions aim to secure and procure e-NG, a sustainable fuel to meet the “K” LINE’s or its subsidiaries’ bunkering needs in Europe, originating from the TES green energy hub in Wilhelmshaven, Germany.


Moreover, both parties will consider the regulatory landscape surrounding low/non-carbon fuels, carbon intensity, CO2 accounting, certification, and incentive schemes. By such a consideration of supportive regulatory frameworks, “K” LINE and TES aim to bolster the development of e-NG projects, driving forward transition to a more sustainable energy future.


In addition to commercial endeavours, technical collaboration is also on the agenda, encompassing the operation and management of e-NG carriers and Liquified CO2 carriers and the exchange of information relating to CO2 capture and utilisation onboard vessels.


Marco Alverà, CEO and Co-Founder of TES, commented: “The partnership between “K” LINE and TES marks a significant milestone in our collective efforts to drive decarbonisation within the maritime transport sector. By leveraging TES' expertise in green fuels and “K” LINE's commitment to decarbonise long-haul shipping, we aim to pioneer cleaner and more efficient maritime operations, setting a precedent for the industry worldwide.”


Satoshi Kanamori, Managing Executive Officer of “K” LINE, commented: "At “K” LINE, we are deeply committed to realising our vision of a carbon-neutral future for maritime transport. Partnering with TES allows us to combine our strengths and resources to accelerate the adoption of e-NG, laying the groundwork for a more sustainable shipping and logistics industry."
