





作者:   发布时间:2024年06月30日    浏览量:138   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:MarineLink 2024-06-28 

翻译:国际海事信息网 檀智 张运鸿 




        Generater 是一艘 99 英尺长、符合琼斯法案标准的双体船,专为美国东海岸的风电场提供服务。


        A-O-S表示,与姊妹船Gripper一样,这艘新船采用Northern Offshore Services(N-O-S)的30米G级设计,专注于船员和技术人员的舒适性,使其可以24小时在海上作业。






        A-O-S是N-O-S和美国投资公司OIC于2020年成立的合资公司。该公司计划随着美国海上风电产业的发展而扩大其CTV船队,目前已在Blount Boats和路易斯安那州富兰克林的Metal Shark订购了船只。


        根据Intelatus Global Partners的数据,截至目前,美国已有20多艘CTV投入使用或订购中。未来几年,预计美国将建造数十艘CTV,以支持在美国东海岸水域计划建设的一系列新风电场的建设和长期服务。


        “我们急需为海上风电场提供服务的CTV(船员转运船),”A-O-S董事总经理Michael Burbelo说。“我们在海上风电场的建设和维护方面发挥着重要作用。该行业有赖于技术人员被快速运送到塔架进行维护工作。我们的G级船舶高度专业化,专为全年在北大西洋恶劣条件下的安全可靠作业而设计。


        “在美国,这是一种新型的船员转运船。A-O-S是该领域为数不多的先驱之一,拥有更成熟的欧洲海上风电行业的经验,“Northern Offshore Group集团首席执行官David Kristensson说。“我们已经发展出了高质量、成熟和可靠的技术标准和DNA。我们对美国市场抱有坚定的信念,在那里我们可以支持海上风电的扩张。




American Offshore Services (A-O-S) announced the launch of its second crew transfer vessel (CTV), Generater, designed to support the United States' growing offshore wind industry.


Generater is a 99-foot, Jones-Act-qualified catamaran built to serve wind farms off the U.S. East Coast.


Like sister vessel Gripper, the newbuild is of Northern Offshore Services (N-O-S)’ 30-meter G-Class design with focus on comfort for crew and technicians, making it possible to stay offshore for 24-hour operations, A-O-S said.


Some of the design highlights are the soft bow, sculpted hull and proprietary fenders, allowing the vessels to work in higher sea states with better station-keeping ability when pushing onto turbine towers. A-O-S said the technology has been developed over the last 16 years by its Swedish sister company N-O-S, today the world’s largest CTV operator.


The newbuild features Volvo Penta's IPS propulsion system and is said to be "hybrid-ready", meaning it was built with space reserved for all the required components for future upgrade to hybrid propulsion.


A-O-S is a joint venture formed in 2020 by N-O-S and U.S.-based investment firm OIC. The company, which plans to expand its CTV fleet with the growth of the U.S. offshore wind industry, currently has vessels on order at Blount Boats as well as Metal Shark in Franklin, La.


To date, there are more than 20 CTVs in service or on order in the U.S., according to data from Intelatus Global Partners. In the years ahead, it is expected that dozens more will be built in the U.S. to support the construction and long-term service of a pipeline of new wind farms slated to sprout up in the waters off of the country's East Coast.


“There is an urgent shortage of CTVs servicing offshore wind farms,” said Michael Burbelo, Managing Director of A-O-S. “We have an important role to play in the construction and maintenance of offshore wind farms. The industry depends on technicians being rapidly transported to towers for maintenance. Our G-Class vessels are highly specialized and designed specifically for safe and reliable operations, all year round, in harsh North Atlantic conditions.”


“In the U.S. this is a new class of crew transfer vessels. A-O-S is one of few pioneers in the field, backed up by experience from the more mature European offshore wind industry,” said David Kristensson, Group CEO of Northern Offshore Group. “We have developed our standard and DNA of high quality, proven and dependable technology. We have strong beliefs in the U.S. market, where we can support the expansion of offshore wind.”
