




芬兰AtoB@C Shipping公司第4艘新造插电式混动船Aquamar完成交货

作者:   发布时间:2024年09月18日    浏览量:153   字体大小:  A+   A- 

芬兰AtoB@C Shipping公司第4艘新造插电式混动船Aquamar完成交货

来源:Offshore Energy 2024-09-18

翻译:国际海事信息网 杨皓然 张运鸿


        总部位于瑞典的芬兰航运公司ESL Shipping旗下的子公司AtoB@C Shipping下单的第4艘插电式混合动力船舶Aquamar已完成交付。




        继船舶Electramar、Stellamar和Ecomar以来,Aquamar是第4艘交付至AtoB@C Shipping公司一年以内的环保型船舶,它展现了该公司对于现代化运营和减少对环境不良影响的承诺。






        此外,AtoB@C Shipping公司透露道,今年9月5日,第5艘船舶Maximar已在造船厂启动下水,其船舶舾装工作正在进行中,该船舶有望在今年晚些时候完成交付。


        AtoB@C Shipping公司已在印度Chowgule造船厂下单了12艘5350载重吨的插电式混合动力船舶。这些船舶预计将在2026年秋季前分季度完成交付。






AtoB@C Shipping takes delivery of its fourth plug-in hybrid newbuild


AtoB@C Shipping, a Sweden-based subsidiary of Finnish shipping company ESL Shipping, has taken delivery of Aquamar, its fourth plug-in hybrid newbuilding.


The general cargo vessel was built at India’s Chowgule shipyard and flies the flag of Cyprus. With a gross tonnage of 4,200, it features a length of 90 meters and a width of 16 meters.


Joining Electramar, Stellamar and Ecomar, Aquamar is the fourth eco-friendly ship handed over to AtoB@C Shipping within a single year, showcasing the company’s commitment to modernizing its operations and reducing its environmental impact.


Aquamar is designed with hybrid propulsion and shore power connectivity, aligning with the latest advancements in maritime technology. With a deadweight tonnage of 5,350 and ice class certification, the vessel is equipped for efficient and sustainable operations.


Integrating battery technology allows for emission-free and quiet port visits, significantly decreasing CO2 emissions by nearly 50% compared to the current generation of vessels, according to the shipping company.


The shipyard launched the fifth vessel, Maximar, on September 5 and outfitting of the vessel continues ahead of delivery later this year, AtoB@C Shipping revealed.


AtoB@C Shipping has ordered twelve 5,350 dwt plug-in hybrid vessels from Chowgule & Company. One vessel will be delivered every quarter until the autumn of 2026.


Last week, the company committed, together with EFO, a joint venture of compatriot energy companies, to a set of measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from their sea transports. The initiative will involve substituting 10% of the annual fuel consumption of EFO’s shipments with renewable alternatives, resulting in a projected 8.5% reduction in lifecycle emissions.
