作者: 发布时间:2024年11月20日 浏览量:139 字体大小: A+ A-
来源:Offshore Energy 2024-11-20
翻译:国际海事信息网 杨皓然 张运鸿
新加坡绿色技术解决方案提供商云升绿色科技(Yinson GreenTech,YGT)刚刚发布了新加坡首艘纯电动水翼船——Hydroglyder。
据透露,Hydroglyder是挪威科技公司Lift Ocean与自主航行技术专家Zeabuz联合开发的产物,其设计旨在替代传统的化石燃料动力船,让船员转运和客运变得更加高效、可持续。
据云升绿色科技(Yinson GreenTech,YGT)表示,Hydroglyder的水翼型设计使其相较于传统船舶可减少近80%能耗,并且最高可减少90%的营运成本。
作为新加坡首艘纯电动水翼船,Hydroglyder积极响应了新加坡海事及港务管理局(Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore,MPA)的计划:2030年起所有在新加坡港口营运的新港口船舶须全电动化、使用B100生物柴油或可采用净零排放燃料。
云升绿色科技(Yinson GreenTech,YGT)首席执行官Eirik Barclay表示:”在云升绿色科技,我们相信海运运输的未来在于船舶电动化和信息化的结合。”。
云升绿色科技(Yinson GreenTech,YGT)旗下品牌MarinEV的董事总经理Jan-Viggo Johansen表示:“Hydroglyder体现了我们对未来海运可持续发展的愿景。”。
作为公司海陆电动和自主船舶产品组合的一部分,云升绿色科技(Yinson GreenTech,YGT)还推出了新加坡首艘全电动货船Hydromover。该装置于去年11月推出,今年9月开始商业试用。
今年6月,新加坡航运公司东太平洋航运(Eastern Pacific Shipping,EPS)和云升绿色科技(Yinson GreenTech,YGT)完成了Hydromover的首批货物和船员交付。
Singapore’s first all-electric hydrofoil vessel launched
Singapore-based green technology solutions provider Yinson GreenTech (YGT) has launched the region’s first fully electric hydrofoil vessel, the Hydroglyder.
As disclosed, the Hydroglyder was developed through a collaboration between Lift Ocean and Zeabuz, and designed to offer “a more efficient and sustainable alternative to traditional fossil-fuel-powered boats” for crew transfer and passenger transport.
The vessel has a maximum cruising speed of 25 knots and can carry up to 12 passengers. By using a hydrofoil system, the ship lifts its hull above the water, to reduce drag and improve energy efficiency.
According to Yinson GreenTech, the hydrofoil design enables the Hydroglyder to achieve up to 80% lower energy consumption than conventional vessels. This reduction in energy usage also translates to up to 90% lower operational costs.
As Singapore’s first fully electric hydrofoil vessel, the Hydroglyder supports the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore’s plans for all new harbor craft operating in the Port of Singapore to be fully electric, be capable of using B100 biofuel, or be compatible with net-zero fuels from 2030.
“At Yinson GreenTech, we believe the future of maritime transport lies at the convergence of electrification and digitalisation,” stated Eirik Barclay, Chief Executive Officer of Yinson GreenTech.
“The Hydroglyder embodies our vision for a sustainable future in maritime transport,” said Jan-Viggo Johansen, Managing Director of marinEV.
“Its energy-efficient design and zero-emission technology offer a practical, environmentally friendly solution to support businesses committed to greener marine operations – and, of course, provide a more comfortable voyage for our seafarers.”
As part of Yinson GreenTech’s portfolio of electric and autonomous vessels across land and sea, the company also introduced Singapore’s first fully electric cargo ship, the Hydromover. The unit was launched in November last year, while the commercial trials kicked off this September.
Hydromover is a lightweight, 18.5-meter vessel equipped with swappable batteries, allowing it to transport up to 25 tons of cargo. Being all-electric, the ship has zero emissions and targets to achieve up to 50% operational cost savings due to improved energy efficiency and lower maintenance costs.
Singapore’s shipping player Eastern Pacific Shipping (EPS) and YGT completed the first cargo and crew deliveries with the Hydromover in June this year.