英国船东Bibby Marine就建造世界首艘eCSOV于西班牙Armon造船厂重新下单
作者: 发布时间:2025年01月15日 浏览量:64 字体大小: A+ A-
来源:Offshore Energy 2025-01-15
翻译:国际海事信息网 杨皓然 张运鸿
英国船东Bibby Marine和西班牙Armon造船厂就建造一艘新型电动调试服务作业船(eCSOV)签订协议。英国船东Bibby Marine称这是继和西班牙Gondan造船厂于2024年春签订的首份电动调试服务作业船(eCSOV)合同解约后的又一全新合作。
该电动调试服务作业船(eCSOV)由英国船东Bibby Marine和英国船舶设计公司Longitude一同设计,以双燃料甲醇发动机构建的电池系统为特色,以实现零排放。
英国船东Bibby Marine于今年1月14日召开发布会,公开表示已和这艘船舶之前的合作商——西班牙Gondan造船厂在双方可接受范围内友好结束了合作,现阶段该造船订单交由西班牙Armon造船厂负责。
英国船东Bibby Marine首席执行官Nigel Quinn表示:”我们十分激动能够和新的合作伙伴Armon造船厂展开合作,一同将我们的造船项目推向下一阶段。此船舶的交付将实现我们公司的清洁愿景,我们有信心它将推动我们行业实现更深层次的进步。“
西班牙Armon造船厂首席执行官Laudelino Alperi表示:”该电动调试服务作业船(eCSOV)的复杂性凸显了其重要性,这不仅是一项技术挑战,还是对更加清洁和环保的未来的一种承诺。“
该电动调试服务作业船(eCSOV)是由英国运输部(DfT)投资,英国创新署(Innovate UK)发起的零排放船舶和基础设施(ZEVI)竞赛中的一个项目。零排放船舶和基础设施(ZEVI)竞赛是英国海岸计划(UK SHORE)的一部分,该计划旨在发展推动英国海事部门实现绿色脱碳的技术。
Bibby Marine orders eCSOV at new shipyard
Bibby Marine has signed a shipbuilding contract with the Spanish Armon shipyard for its new electric commissioning service operation vessel (eCSOV) following what the UK vessel owner says was “an amicable move away” from the Gondan shipyard, also based in Spain, with which Bibby Marine signed the initial eCSOV contract in the spring of 2024.
The eCSOV, which Bibby Marine designed in collaboration with the UK-based vessel designer Longitude, will feature a battery system complemented by dual-fuel methanol engines for emissions-free operations.
With the capability to operate solely on battery power for a typical full day of operations, the range of the vessel will allow for passage from field to port and return, the owner of the future vessel says. Among other things, the eCSOV design also incorporates digitalization and AI to maintain and improve its efficiency over its life.
Prior to the new contract with Armon, located in Vigo, Bibby Marine ordered the vessel at Gondan’s Asturias shipyard in Spain, on which the two parties have now amicably parted ways, according to information Bibby Marine shared in a press release on January 14.
Bibby Marine CEO, Nigel Quinn, said: “We are thrilled to be working alongside our new partners Armon and move to the next stage of our project. The delivery of this vessel will bring our clean vision to life, confident it will mean significant advancements to our industry.”
According to the company, the new eCSOV is the world’s first truly zero-emission commissioning service operation vessel.
“The complexity of the eCSOV underscores its importance, not only as a technological challenge but as a statement of commitment to a cleaner and greener future”, Armon CEO, Laudelino Alperi, said.
“At Armon, we have been deeply focused on developing solutions that significantly reduce emissions, and this vessel allows us to further demonstrate the expertise we have built in this critical area. While ambitious, we feel confident that our vast experience, coupled with our advanced facilities and skilled team, will enable us to deliver a vessel that sets new benchmarks for efficiency, sustainability, and innovation in the offshore wind industry.”
The eCSOV is a project that is part of the Zero Emission Vessels and Infrastructure (ZEVI) scheme, funded by the UK Department for Transport (DfT) and delivered by Innovate UK. ZEVI is part of the Department’s UK Shipping Office for Reducing Emissions (UK SHORE) program, an initiative focused on developing the technology necessary to decarbonize the UK domestic maritime sector.