




DCT Gdańsk码头突破1500万TEU吞吐量

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DCT Gdańsk码头突破1500万TEU吞吐量

来源:Container Management 2021-04-09
翻译:国际海事信息网 王雅媛 张运鸿
       DCT Gdańsk码头是波罗的海最大的集装箱码头之一,自2007年首次启用以来,吞吐量已达到1500万TEU,具有里程碑意义。
       突破这1500万TEU吞吐量的集装箱由中远海运(COSCO Shipping)拥有并运营,装载在“COSCO Shipping Galaxy”号上。“COSCO Shipping Galaxy”号是世界上最大的船舶之一,运力为2.1万TEU。
       DCT Gdańsk港口首席执行官Cameron Thorpe庆祝了此次吞吐达1500万TEU的里程碑事件。他表示:“这些集装箱连线起来绕地球两圈都绰绰有余,这对我们员工而言是一次巨大的成功。”
       “这1500万TEU代表了每一位我们服务过的客户,这是他们对DCT Gdańsk持续支持和信任的证明,正是这种支持和信任使DCT Gdańsk成为波罗的海的物流枢纽。”
       “COSCO Shipping Galaxy ”号是海洋联盟(Ocean Alliance)的一份子,每周航行于韩国、中国和新加坡各港口与Gdańsk码头之间。
       DCT Gdańsk码头拥有一个17米深的码头,可以高效装卸世界上最大集装箱船,并于2019年打破了年度记录,吞吐量超过200万TEU。
       DCT Gdańsk码头主要的投资项目仍在进行之中,其中包括延长码头铁路专用线。这意味着铁轨将从4条扩展到7条,每条铁轨的长度为750米。
       其他投资也正在筹备中,用于提升DCT Gdańsk码头地位,扩大区域贸易,进一步加强与全球供应链的整合。
DCT Gdańsk achieves 15m teu milestone
DCT Gdańsk, one of the largest container terminals in the Baltic, has reached the milestone of handling 15m teu since it first opened in 2007.
The 15 m-container was owned and operated by COSCO Shipping and was loaded aboard COSCO Shipping Galaxy, which is one of the world’s largest ships with a 21,000 teu capacity.
Cameron Thorpe, chief executive officer of DCT Gdańsk, celebrated the 15m teu milestone: “A line of containers that could more than twice circle the earth’s circumference, it is a great success for our employees.
“Of equal importance to us is that each of those 15m teu was a customer who used our services, and it’s a testament to their on-going support and belief in DCT Gdańsk that has contributed to DCT Gdańsk becoming the Baltic Hub for logistics.”
COSCO Shipping Galaxy sails as part of the Ocean Alliance service which provides a weekly connection between the ports of Korea, China and Singapore with Gdańsk.
DCT Gdańsk boasts a 17 m deep quay that can handle the world’s largest container vessels and highly efficient operations, having also broken a new annual record in 2019 by surpassing 2m teu.
“Last year the pandemic caused turbulence across the global transport and logistics industry, but despite this we were pleased with our year-on-year growth in local full containers, and we are encouraged by the further 9% growth we have seen so far this year, with volumes tracking above our previous best in 2019,” Thorpe added.
DCT Gdańsk has continued with major investment programmes which include the extension of the on-dock rail-siding which will result in expanding from four to seven tracks, each with a length of 750 m.
The terminal is already one of the top 10 largest European port rail terminals and this increase in capacity should launch it into the top five.
Other investments are also being prepared to strengthen the position of DCT Gdańsk for expanding regional trade and further integrating with enhanced global supply chains.
