





作者:   发布时间:2022年04月17日    浏览量:746   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:American Shipper 2022-04-15
翻译:国际海事信息网 赵扬捷 张运鸿
        上个月,该港口运输了864,156个二十英尺当量单位,比2021年3月创造的前一次记录增长2.7%。进口同比增长4.7%,达到427,280个标准箱,而出口下降18.3%,为114,185个标准箱。港口在周四的公告中说,空箱 ”跃升“10%至321,691个标准箱。
        长滩港表示,3月通常是一个清闲的月份,但今年在努力清理码头上的货物和减少等待停泊的船只数量的情况下,显得异常繁忙。根据南加州海运交易所的数据,从2月中旬到3月底,在圣佩德罗湾(San Pedro Bay)等待停泊在洛杉矶或长滩的船只数量稳步下降。
        然而——这是个很大的问题——港口可能正在清理,为更多的公司做准备。American Shipper的Eric Kulisch周五报告说,一旦中国疫情好转并解封,那么延期到达的货物可能会再次导致西海岸港口拥堵。
        长滩港执行董事Mario Cordero说:”随着我们继续清理等待进入我们港口的船只队伍,并将集装箱运出码头,进口量正在上升,并与我们的行业利益相关者合作,使整个供应链得到了显著改善。"
        圣佩德罗湾港口(San Pedro Bay)已多次推迟启动集装箱滞留费,以向海运公司收取在码头上停留过久的集装箱。长滩港和洛杉矶港均表示,自从10月底声称要收取滞留费用以来,他们看到码头上的老化货物下降了49%。他们周五发表了一份联合声明,表示推迟实施收费,并延期到4月22日。
Will Long Beach’s sunny spring be followed by stormy summer
The Port of Long Beach reported its busiest March ever and “the most active quarter on record as long-dwelling cargo continued to move out of marine terminals.”
The port moved 864,156 twenty-foot equivalent units last month, up 2.7% from the previous record set in March 2021. Imports increased 4.7% year-over-year to 427,280 TEUs, while exports declined 18.3% to 114,185 TEUs. Empty containers “jumped” 10% to 321,691 TEUs, the port said in Thursday’s announcement. 
The Port of Long Beach said March typically is a slower month, but this year was exceptionally busy amid efforts to clear cargo from the docks and reduce the number of vessels waiting to berth. The number of ships waiting in San Pedro Bay to berth at either Los Angeles or Long Beach steadily declined from mid-February to the end of March, according to data from Marine Exchange of Southern California. 
However — and it’s a big however — the ports could be cleaning up in preparation for a whole lot more company. American Shipper’s Eric Kulisch reported Friday that the breather from West Coast port congestion likely will be followed by a tsunami of deferred cargo once COVID-related lockdowns in China are lifted.
“The cargo volume will far exceed the handling capability of the ports, with containers jamming up terminals faster than they can be transferred to inland transport and pushing vessels into long queues at sea,” Kulisch wrote. 
During the first quarter of 2022, the Port of Long Beach handled 2.46 million TEUs, a 3.6% increase from Q1 2021. It was the port’s best quarter ever, breaking a record set in the fourth quarter of 2020 by about 55,000 TEUs.
“Imports are on the rise as we continue to clear the line of ships waiting to enter our port and move containers off the docks,” said Mario Cordero, Port of Long Beach executive director. “Collaborating with our industry stakeholders has led to notable improvements across the supply chain.”
The neighboring Port of LA reported earlier this week that it also had its busiest March and best-ever first quarter. 
The San Pedro Bay ports have numerous times delayed the launch of a container dwell fee to charge ocean carriers for boxes that remained on the docks too long. The two ports said they have seen a 49% decline in aging cargo on the docks since the fee was threatened in late October. They issued a joint statement Friday that the fee implementation would be put off yet again, this time until April 22.
