“Normand Energy”号船舶继续留在西非作业
作者: 发布时间:2022年09月05日 浏览量:516 字体大小: A+ A-
来源:Offshore Energy 2022-09-02
翻译:国际海事信息网 顾晋瑄 张运鸿
Solstad Offshore公司与当前客户签订了施工支持船(construction support vessel,简称CSV)“Normand Energy”号的延期合同与一份新合同。
“Normand Energy”号(原称“Normand Seven”)将继续为西非海底作业提供服务。
这家未公开身份的客户公司行使了现有合同的所有选项,并(与Solstad Offshore公司)签订了一份新合同,从而使其合同总期限长达570天。
据Solstad Offshore公司称,该合同条款反映了当前目标,并与该公司近期公布的其他施工支持船舶合同相一致。
“Normand Energy”号船舶建造于2007年,直接与Subsea 7公司签订了长期合同。
这艘施工支持船停泊三年半后,于2020年1月的第一周驶离了位于Bøvågen的停泊点。它转移至Solstad Offshore公司的Husøy离岸基地码头旁后开始重新投入使用,进行为期10年类的工作。
Normand Energy stays in West Africa
Solstad Offshore has secured contract extensions and a new contract with the present client for the construction support vessel (CSV) Normand Energy.
Normand Energy, previously known as Normand Seven, will continue supporting subsea operations in West Africa.
The undisclosed client has exercised all options under the existing contract and awarded a new contract bringing the overall contract period to 570 days.
The contract will commence in direct continuation of the present firm period during September.
According to Solstad, the terms of the contract reflect the present marked and are in line with other CSV contracts that the company reported lately.
Normand Energy was built in 2007 and entered straight into a long-term contract with Subsea 7.
After three and a half years in layup, the CSV let go of her layup moorings in Bøvågen the first week of January 2020. It moved alongside the quay at Solstad’s Husøy Offshore base for commencing re-activation and a due 10 years classification.