作者: 发布时间:2022年11月27日 浏览量:525 字体大小: A+ A-
来源:Offshore Energy 2022-11-24
翻译:国际海事信息网 顾晋瑄 张运鸿
总部位于挪威的穿梭油轮船东与运营商Knutsen NYK Offshore Tankers AS(KNOT)另订购了一艘穿梭油轮,以与巴西石油和天然气巨头巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)进行定期租船合作。
11月21日,KNOT公司与中国造船厂中远海运重工(舟山)公司(Cosco Shipping Heavy Industry)签订造船合同,建造一艘154000立方米的苏伊士型动态定位型(DP2)穿梭油轮。
同时,巴西国家石油公司迎来了三艘苏伊士DP2型穿梭油轮,这三艘油轮租借自AET公司,其是马来西亚MISC Berhad公司在新加坡所设的石油物流公司。
这三艘船舶中的第一艘为巴西国家石油公司租赁建造的“Eagle Colatina”号已于2022年3月命名。三星重工集团(SHI)于2022年5月31日移交了第二艘“Eagle Cambe”号船舶。
这批船舶的第三艘,也是最后一艘油轮--“Eagle Crato”号将于今年7月底命名后完成交付。
这些船是依照巴西国家石油公司的技术要求建造的,并会按照 “运营与环保最高标准 ”运行,包括完全符合国际海事组织(IMO)NOx Tier 3与SOx的排放要求。
KNOT orders new shuttle tanker for charter with Petrobras
Norway-based shuttle tankers owner and operator Knutsen NYK Offshore Tankers AS (KNOT) has ordered another shuttle tanker for time charter with Brazilian oil and gas giant Petrobras.
On 21 November, KNOT signed a contract with Chinese shipyard Cosco Shipping Heavy Industry (Zhoushan) for the construction of a 154,000 cbm Suezmax dynamic positioning (DP2) shuttle tanker.
The newly ordered vessel will be delivered in 2025, KNOT informed. Then, the vessel will start operating under a 15-year-long time charter agreement with Petrobras.
KNOT has also another shuttle tanker for a 10-year charter with Petrobras, scheduled for delivery in October 2024.
With the latest order, Knutsen Group will have a total of 26 new builds under construction, both liquefied natural gas (LNG) and shuttle tankers.
Meanwhile, Petrobras welcomed three Suezmax DP2 shuttle tankers that were chartered from AET, a Singapore-based petroleum logistics unit of Malaysia’s MISC Berhad.
The first of these vessels, Eagle Colatina, built for Petrobras charter was named in March 2022. Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) handed over the second one, Eagle Cambe, on 31 May 2022.
The third, and final tanker – Eagle Crato – was named and delivered at the end of July this year.
The vessels were built to Petrobras’ technical requirements in Brazil and will operate to the “highest operational and environmental standards,” including full compliance with IMO NOx Tier 3 and SOx emission requirements.
They are classed with ABS and equipped with electrical-driven variable frequency drive cargo pumps and high-power thrusters for enhanced fuel efficiency.