




川崎重工再获Kumiai Navigation的LPG动力VLGC订单

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川崎重工再获Kumiai Navigation的LPG动力VLGC订单

来源:Offshore Energy 2023-02-01
翻译:国际海事信息网 赵扬捷 张运鸿

        川崎重工再获Kumiai Navigation的LPG动力VLGC订单

        总部设在新加坡的船东Kumiai Navigation已将其在川崎重工(Kawasaki Heavy Industries)的双燃料超大型液化气运输船(VLGC)的订单增加到2艘。






        Kumiai是日本Kumiai Senpaku的子公司,旗下运营着11艘散货船、2艘小型液化气船和7艘VLGC。该公司的四艘VLGC使用传统船用燃料,但由于成本上升和租家不愿意长期放船,该公司暂停了为它们改装双燃料发动机的计划。

        MAN PrimeServ公司项目主管Klaus Rasmussen说:“双燃料改装是船东在未来几年保持其资产价值的一个好办法。他估计有154艘采用单燃料发动机技术的VLGC可以从转换为LPG中受益。”

        BW LPG公司已经将其15艘VLGC改装为LPG双燃料,而中国的天津西南海运正在将其两艘现代VLGC送到中远海运重工(广东)船厂,安装能够使用LPG的双燃料发动机。85,000立方米的Gas Aquarius号(2018年建造)和Gas Gemini号(2017年建造)的工作将在5月完成。


Kumiai Navigation doubles its dual-fuel VLGC order at Kawasaki

Singapore-based shipowner Kumiai Navigation has doubled its order for dual-fuel VLGC newbuildings at Kawasaki Heavy Industries to two ships.

Each vessel has a capacity of 86,700 cbm for LPG/liquefied ammonia gas.

The first vessel from the series was ordered last year, and now the company has two VLGC newbuildings that can load ammonia.

Ammonia is an important substance for several industries, such as agriculture, where it is used as a fertilizer, and the manufacturing industry, where it is used as a raw material for producing chemicals and plastics.

Furthermore, ammonia is also a crucial component for the production of clean energy, as it can be used as a fuel in certain fuel cells to generate electricity. As such, there is a growing interest in the transportation of ammonia due to its role in reducing carbon emissions.

The delivery of the two ships is scheduled for February and April 2025 respectively, and they have been fixed out to European companies for 5 years.

Kumiai, a subsidiary of Japan’s Kumiai Senpaku, operates 11 bulkers, 2 small LPG carriers, and 7 VLGCs. Four of its VLGCs run on conventional marine fuel, but the company has paused plans to retrofit them with dual-fuel engines due to rising costs and charterer reluctance to release the ships for a long period.

Klaus Rasmussen, head of projects at MAN PrimeServ, said dual-fuel retrofits are a good way for owners to maintain the value of their assets for years to come. He estimated that 154 VLGCs with single-fuel engine technology could benefit from conversion to LPG.

BW LPG has converted 15 of its VLGCs to LPG dual fuel, while China’s Tianjin Southwest Maritime is sending two of its modern VLGCs to Cosco Shipping Heavy Industry (Guangdong) shipyard to install dual-fuel engines capable of running on LPG. The work on the 85,000-cbm Gas Aquarius (built 2018) and Gas Gemini (built 2017) will be done in May.
