





作者:   发布时间:2023年07月12日    浏览量:252   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:Offshore Energy 2023-07-12
翻译:国际海事信息网 顾晋瑄 张运鸿

        中国台湾集装箱航运巨头长荣海运(Evergreen Marine)签订购买24艘甲醇双燃料集装箱船的订单,这是其船队向低碳化迈出的重要一步。

        这笔合同中船舶的建造工作由建船巨头韩国三星重工业(Samsung Heavy Industries,简称SHI)和日本造船厂共同承担,后者是一家由日本海洋联合公司(Japan Marine United Corporation ,简称JMU)与今治造船株式会社(Imabari Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.)于2021年成立的合资企业。


        日本造船厂(Nihon Shipyard)会以同样的条件建造其余8艘船舶。长荣(Evergreen)集团的投资总额将达50.4亿美元。 

        航运经纪人于两周前就报道了该笔订单。但是,当“Offshore Energy”向长荣海运(Evergreen Marine)集团求证时,该公司拒绝对上述报道发表评论。之前报道称,长荣海运(Evergreen Marine)集团将为新造船斥资约40亿美元。然而,船东公布的价格要比该数额高得多。



        此外,船队的更新换代和对于更清洁燃料的投资需求与国际海事组织(IMO)修订通过后的航运脱碳战略相吻合,该战略旨在 “到2050年或其前后,即接近2050年时”实现净零排放这一目标。


Evergreen confirms massive $5 bln deal for 24 methanol-fueled containerships

Taiwanese container shipping major Evergreen Marine has sealed the order for twenty-four methanol dual-fuel containerships in a monumental step toward decarbonizing its fleet.

The construction deal has been divided between industry major Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI), and Nihon Shipyard, a joint venture between Japan Marine United Corporation (JMU) and Imabari Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., which was established in 2021.

Under the lucrative contract, SHI has been entrusted with the construction of sixteen 16,000 TEU methanol dual fuel container vessels from the series. Evergreen Marine will be paying between $180-210 million per vessel, the company said.

Nihon Shipyard will build the remaining eight units under the same terms. In total, Evergreen is expected to spend up to $5.04 billion on the investment. 

Shipbrokers were reporting on the order two weeks ago. However, Evergreen Marine declined to comment on the reports to Offshore Energy when approached for confirmation. The previous reports said that Evergreen would be paying around $4 billion for the newbuilds. Nevertheless, the price tag released by the shipowner is significantly higher.

The 24-strong newbuilding fleet is expected for delivery between 2026 and 2027.

The ordering spree comes as a tremendous vote of confidence in methanol as a future-proof fuel for the shipping industry at a time when orders in the sector have exceeded 100 ships featuring methanol-powered engines.

In addition, the need for fleet rejuvenation and investment in cleaner fuels coincides with a revised decarbonization strategy for shipping adopted by the IMO which aims to reach net-zero “by or around, i.e., close to 2050”.
