




Sea Traders公司订购四艘配备洗涤塔的Kamsarmax型船舶

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Sea Traders公司订购四艘配备洗涤塔的Kamsarmax型船舶

来源:Offshore Energy 2023-09-13
翻译:国际海事信息网 顾晋瑄 张运鸿

        据船舶经纪人报道,希腊航运巨头Sea Traders从中国青岛扬帆船舶制造公司订购了四艘最先进的Kamsarmax型船舶。

        这四艘82,000载重吨的Kamsarmax型船舶将遵守严格的“NOx Tier III”排放标准和“船舶能效设计指数(EEDI)Phase 3”技术规章。这些规定由国际海事组织(International Maritime Organization,简称IMO)制定,分别旨在抑制氮氧化物(NOx)排放并提高船舶整体能效。


        船舶经纪公司Intermodal Shipbrokers最新报告称,Sea Traders公司需要为每艘船支付约3400万美元。这四艘船将于2026年完成交付。


        该希腊船东订购了多达18艘散货新船。此前,Sea Traders还进行过大规模的船舶订购业务。

        上个月,希腊航运大亨George Procopiou旗下Sea Traders公司与中国船舶工业集团公司(China State Shipbuilding Corporation,简称CSSC)下属的中船黄埔文冲船舶有限公司(CSSC Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding Co.)签下一份订单,即建造8艘85,000载重吨的散货船。

        7月初,Sea Traders公司在恒力重工集团(Hengli Heavy Industry Group)子公司恒力海运(大连)有限公司(Hengli Shipbuilding (Dalian) Co.)签订建造10 艘Kamsarmax型散货船的订单。

        所有船舶都符合“船舶能效设计指数(EEDI)Phase 3”规章要求。

        Sea Traders公司数据显示,其拥有一支由40艘船组成的船队,其中包括14艘Kamsarmax型散货船、13艘 Supramax型散货船和7艘 Panamax型散货船。


Sea Traders linked to scrubber-fitted Kamsarmax quartet

Greek shipping giant Sea Traders has placed an order for four state-of-the-art Kamsarmax vessels from the Qingdao Yangfan shipyard in China, according to shipbroker reports.

The four 82,000 dwt Kamsarmax vessels will adhere to the stringent NOx Tier III and EEDI Phase 3 regulations. These regulations, established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), are designed to curb nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions and improve overall energy efficiency, respectively. 

Each vessel in this quartet will be equipped with scrubbers, a technology designed to reduce sulfur dioxide (SO₂) and other pollutants in line with the IMO 2020 Scrubber mandate.

Sea Traders will be paying around $34 million per vessel, according to the latest report from Intermodal Shipbrokers. The quartet is slated for delivery in 2026.

The Kamsarmax vessels are well-regarded in the shipping industry for their versatility and efficiency, making them ideal for carrying dry bulk cargo, such as coal, iron ore, and grain, on global trade routes. 

The latest deal emerges on the back of a massive ordering spree by the Greek shipowner which has seen up to 18 new bulkers ordered.

Namely, last month Sea Traders, owned by major Greek shipping magnate George Procopiou, signed an order with CSSC Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding Co., a subsidiary of the China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC), for the construction of eight 85,000 dwt.

In early July, Sea Traders inked an order for ten Kamsarmax bulk carriers at Hengli Shipbuilding (Dalian) Co., a subsidiary of Hengli Heavy Industry Group.

All ships will be compliant with the energy efficiency requirements of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) Phase III.
Based on the company’s data, Sea Traders has a fleet of 40 vessels, including 14 Kamsarmax, 13 Supramax, and 7 Panamax bulkers.
