




Ocean Yield收购两艘租赁与可持续发展挂钩的苏伊士型油轮

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Ocean Yield收购两艘租赁与可持续发展挂钩的苏伊士型油轮

来源:Offshore Energy 2023-11-13
翻译:国际海事信息网 顾晋瑄 张运鸿

        挪威船东公司Ocean Yield AS同意收购两艘2022年建造的苏伊士型油轮,并将依据与可持续发展挂钩的租赁协议将其租出。

        据悉,这两艘船均由韩国大韩造船厂(Daehan Shipbuilding)建造。这两艘船预计于2023年第四季度交付给新船东。


        船舶交付以后,其为期14年的光船租赁便即刻生效,租赁方为比利时油轮巨头Euronav NV的担保子公司。

        Ocean Yield公司在一份声明中表示:“光船租赁费率包含与各船实际碳排放量挂钩的可变因素,从而激励承租人让船舶保持低排放状态。


        成立于2012年的Ocean Yield公司专注于长期租赁船舶的投资。Octopus Bidco AS是一家由 Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P. 及其附属公司 KKR间接全资拥有的公司,其于2021年底收购了Ocean Yield公司的所有股份。


Ocean Yield buys two Suezmaxes with sustainability-linked lease

Norwegian shipowner Ocean Yield AS has agreed to acquire two 2022-built Suezmax tankers that will be chartered out under a sustainability-linked lease agreement. 

As informed, both vessels were built at Daehan Shipbuilding in South Korea. They are expected to be delivered to their new owner in the fourth quarter of 2023.

The tankers in question are the 157,300 dwt Cypress and the 158,300 dwt Cedar, data provided by VesselsValue shows. Both Suezmaxes are fitted with scrubbers and ballast water treatment systems (BWTS). 

Upon delivery, the ships will commence 14-year bareboat charters to guaranteed subsidiaries of Belgian tanker major Euronav NV. 

“The bareboat charter rates will have a variable element linked to the respective vessel’s actual carbon emissions, incentivizing the charterer to keep emissions low,” Ocean Yield said in a statement. 

There are purchase obligations at the end of the charter periods. The transaction will add approximately $250 million to the company’s EBITDA backlog.

Established in 2012, Ocean Yield focuses on investments in vessels on long-term charters. In late 2021, the company changed its owner when Octopus Bidco AS, a company indirectly wholly owned by funds advised by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P. and its affiliates (KKR), acquired all shares in Ocean Yield.
