




Thecla Bodewes盛大展出Vertom旗下第四艘柴电动力散货船

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Thecla Bodewes盛大展出Vertom旗下第四艘柴电动力散货船

来源:Offshore Energy 2023-11-24
翻译:国际海事信息网 顾晋瑄 张运鸿

        荷兰近海航运公司Vertom Group旗下第四艘新型柴电干散货船正式下水。

        2023年11月23日,这艘7280载重吨的“Vertom Anne Marit”号在荷兰坎彭市(Kampen)的造船厂Thecla Bodewes Shipyards举行了下水和洗礼仪式。

        “Vertom Anne Marit”号船长118.60米,是全系十艘船舶中的第四艘,也是Vertom Group船队的重要新增成员。据说该船是海事工程和设计最高标准的典范。

        “Vertom Anne Marit”号采用柴油电力推进系统,其装备的先进技术能够确保最大化船舶的油耗效率、安全性能和环境可持续性。船舶设计在优化性能的同时降低了环境影响,符合业界不断进步的可持续发展目标。

        “Vertom Anne Marit”号船是“Labrax”系列船队的一部分,由Groot Ship Design和TBSY两家公司专为柴电推进系统设计。此系船队标志着可持续航运设计方案发展的一个重要里程碑,这与Vertom Group和Thecla Bodewes Shipyards欲向零排放航运业转型做出重大贡献的决心相一致。


        新船“Vertom Anne Marit”号上柴电推进系统与先进的动力管理系统相结合,能够最大限度减少能源损耗,降低总体油耗,减少二氧化碳排放。Thecla Bodewes造船厂表示,这一预期结果已为首批三艘新造船“Vertom Patty”号、“Vertom Cyta”号和“Vertom Tomma”号的性能所验证。

        此外,“Vertom Anne Marit”号船上安装的推进器功率大大低于同等载货量且使用传统推进器的船舶。

        Vertom公司首席执行官Arjan de Jong评论表示:“新船‘Vertom Anne Marit’号的加入使公司向实现更年轻、更可持续发展的船队又迈进了一步。我们对船舶的整体性能非常满意,甚至比预期估测的还要更加出色。”


Dutch short-sea shipping company Vertom Group has launched its fourth new diesel-electric dry bulk vessel.

The launching and christening ceremony for the 7,280 dwt Vertom Anne Marit took place at Thecla Bodewes Shipyards in Kampen, the Netherlands, on November 23, 2023.

The 118.60-meter-long Vertom Anne Marit is the fourth vessel in a series of ten vessels and represents a significant addition to Vertom Group’s fleet. The vessel is said to exemplify the highest standards of maritime engineering and design. 

Featuring a diesel-electric propulsion system, the Vertom Anne Marit boasts advanced technology ensuring maximum fuel consumption efficiency, safety, and environmental sustainability. Its design optimizes performance while reducing environmental impact, aligning with the industry’s evolving sustainability goals. 

The MV Vertom Anne Marit, part of the Labrax series, was specifically designed by Groot Ship Design and TBSY for a diesel-electric propulsion system. The Labrax series marks an important milestone in the development of sustainable shipping solutions and is therefore fully in line with the ambitions of both the Vertom Group and Thecla Bodewes Shipyards to make a substantial contribution to the transition to an emission-free shipping industry. 

Furthermore, this modular propulsion concept is designed to be ready for future developments, by means of the ability to make the vessels’ propulsion methanol-electric or hydrogen-electric and to further reduce carbon emissions.

The diesel-electric propulsion system on board the MV Vertom Anne Marit, in combination with the advanced power-management system, minimizes energy losses, reduces overall fuel consumption and reduces CO2 emissions. This desired result has already been proven in the performance of the first three newbuild vessels, MV Vertom Patty, MV Vertom Cyta and MV Vertom Tomma, according to Thecla Bodewes.

In addition, the installed propulsion power on board MV Vertom Anne Marit is considerably lower compared to ships of equal cargo capacity and with conventional propulsion. 

“The addition of MV Vertom Anne Marit is another step towards a younger and more sustainable fleet for Vertom. We are very pleased with the overall performance of the vessels, which is even better than formerly calculated,” Arjan de Jong, CEO at Vertom, commented.
