




Solstad Offshore调用两艘船舶服务澳大利亚海底油气工程

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Solstad Offshore调用两艘船舶服务澳大利亚海底油气工程

来源:Offshore Energy 2023-11-28
翻译:国际海事信息网 顾晋瑄 张运鸿

        挪威海工船船东Solstad Offshore公司为其一艘锚泊拖船供应船(AHTS)与一艘施工服务船(CSV)接收澳大利亚的相关作业。

        据Solstad Offshore公司称,这艘施工服务船(CSV)“Normand Australis”号已由一家未公开的海底承包商租用,合同期至少长达150天,并可选择延期。合同将于2023年第四季度开始生效。

        2022年8月,Solstad Offshore公司为其四艘施工服务船(CSV)与海上风电和油气行业的公司签订服务合同,而这艘船是其中之一。这些船舶将在北欧、西非和亚洲开展活动。2009年建造的施工服务船(CSV)“Normand Australis”号采用“Conan Wu”型设计,可容纳118人。

        另一方面,Solstad Offshore公司的大型锚泊拖船供应船(AHTS)“Normand Siriush”号与一家未公开的国际能源公司签订了为期至少160天的合同,为其在西澳大利亚近海的钻探工程提供服务支持。2014年建造的施工服务船(CSV)“Normand Sirius”号采用“UT 731 CD”型设计,可容纳40人。

        虽然该合同于2024年第二季度开始生效,但运营商能够选择在合同期结束后再延长250天合同期效。该船属于Ocean Installer公司于2023年8月为西非工程预订的五艘大型锚泊拖船供应船(AHTS)之一。

        依据2023年10月与Aker公司达成的协议,Solstad Offshore公司完成计划再融资后,这两艘船将归 Solstad Newco公司所有。

        Solstad Offshore公司最近赢获了几项施工订单,包括与Equinor、Subsea 7和DeepOcean三家公司分别续签一艘锚泊拖船供应船(AHTS)和两艘施工服务船(CSV)的合同。


Australia calling two Solstad Offshore vessels on subsea and oil & gas assignments

Norwegian offshore vessel owner Solstad Offshore has picked up work for one of its anchor handling tug supply (AHTS) and construction support vessels (CSVs) in Australia.

According to Solstad Offshore, the CSV Normand Australis has been hired by an undisclosed subsea contractor for a minimum of 150 days firm, with options to extend thereafter. The contract will start during 4Q 2023.

This vessel is one of four CSVs that secured contracts with companies from the offshore wind and oil & gas industries in August 2022 for activities in North Europe, West Africa, and Asia. The 2009-built CSV Normand Australis is of Conan Wu design and can accommodate 118 people.

On the other hand, Solstad Offshore’s large AHTS Normand Siriushas been contracted by an undisclosed international energy player for a minimum period of 160 days to support a drilling campaign offshore Western Australia. The 2014-built CSV Normand Sirius is of UT 731 CD design and can accommodate 40 people.

While this contract will begin in 2Q 2024, the operator has options to extend the contract by a further 250 days beyond the firm contract period. This is one of the five large AHTS vessels that were booked for work in West Africa in August 2023 by Ocean Installer.

Both of the vessels, which have now secured new deals, will be owned by Solstad Newco after the planned refinancing of Solstad, as agreed with Aker in October 2023.

Solstad Offshore won several assignments recently, including contract extensions with Equinor, Subsea 7, and DeepOcean for one of its AHTS vessels and two construction support vessels (CSVs).
