




Scan Global Logistics同Hapag-Lloyd达成生物燃料合作伙伴关系

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Scan Global Logistics同Hapag-Lloyd达成生物燃料合作伙伴关系

来源:Offshore Energy 2024-05-14
翻译:国际海事信息网 杨皓然 张运鸿

        物流运输公司Scan Global Logistics (简称SGL)和货柜航运公司赫伯罗特(Hapag-Lloyd)针对海洋生物燃料开展了价值数百万美元的合作倡议。





        SGL公司全球首席运营官兼首席商务官Mads Drejer表示:“此次合作关系不仅能够使我们减少碳排放,而且强化了我们对于提供可持续性物流的承诺,这对于我们的客户和整个社会来说都是有益的。”

        货柜航运公司赫伯罗特(Hapag-Lloyd)全球销售总监Tom De Wilde指出:“我们乐于选择SGL公司作为我们的重要合作伙伴,一同支持‘Ship Green initiative’。我们会共同为推动航运业积极改变、实现其去碳化做贡献,这与我司到2045年实现净零船只营运的承诺相一致。”


        相关新闻表示,赫伯罗特公司(Hapag-Lloyd)已携手宜家供应链运营部(IKEA Supply Chain Operations),对亚洲出口的赫伯罗特货柜海运运输进行脱碳。

        从2024年3月到2025年2月,双方公司已同意使用赫伯罗特“Ship Green 100”产品,此产品旨在使用基于废物和残渣的生物燃料取代传统的船用燃油。


        值得注意的是,赫伯罗特公司(Hapag-Lloyd)发布了“Ship Green”产品,为其客户提供节能减排的海洋运输服务。


Scan Global Logistics and Hapag-Lloyd forge biofuel partnership

Scan Global Logistics (SGL), a provider of transport and logistics solutions, and Hapag-Lloyd, a container shipping company, have partnered up for a multimillion-dollar ocean biofuel initiative.

SGL said the parties want to integrate biofuels into their shipping operations, adding that by utilizing biofuel derived from renewable sources, they aim to support customers in reducing carbon emissions and contribute to the global effort to combat climate change.

Moreover, through this collaborative effort, the companies aim to establish a long-term partnership for the further upscaling of sustainable transport solutions.

“This collaboration shows that it is possible to contribute to the joint efforts of decarbonizing the maritime industry and the logistic sector by using currently available biofuel solutions,” SGL claimed.

Mads Drejer, Global COO and CCO at SGL, commented: “This partnership not only allows us to reduce emissions but also reinforces our commitment to delivering sustainable logistics solutions that benefit our customers and society as a whole.”

Tom De Wilde, Senior Director of Global Sales at Hapag-Lloyd, noted: “We are delighted to have SGL as our valued partner supporting our Ship Green initiative. Together, we are demonstrating our shared dedication to decarbonization and driving positive change in the shipping industry – in line with Hapag-Lloyd‘s commitment to operate a net-zero fleet by 2045.”

In related news, Hapag-Lloyd entered into a cooperation with IKEA Supply Chain Operations to decarbonize the Hapag-Lloyd container shipments originating from Asia.

From March 2024 to February 2025, the companies have agreed to use Hapag-Lloyd’s Ship Green 100, a solution which relies on waste- and residue-based biofuel instead of conventional marine fuel oil.

This partnership is said to represent a significant step forward in the maritime industry, where collaboration and innovation intersect to create a greener, more sustainable future for global shipping.

To note, Hapag-Lloyd launched the Ship Green product to offer its customers emission-reduced ocean transport.
