





作者:   发布时间:2024年07月24日    浏览量:114   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:Offshore Energy 2024-07-24

翻译:国际海事信息网 杨皓然 张运鸿






        “奥萨山”号船舶是新加坡东太平洋航运公司(EPS)租给总部位于伦敦的金属矿产公司力拓集团(Rio Tinto)的6艘21万载重吨的双燃料动力散货船系列中的最后一艘。






        新加坡东太平洋航运公司(EPS)表示:“尽管面临着全球挑战,力拓和我们仍然表现出了无与伦比的韧性,且坚定地致力于实现航运业的低碳化。在过去的三年里,这些液化天然气动力船舶已证实是一种可持续性的选择,其排放量相较于传统船舶减少了30%。我们已经成功进行了 200 多次液化天然气加注作业,极大地减少了整个船队的碳排放量。”。


        新加坡东太平洋航运公司(EPS)在第200次船对船(STS)加注作业中使用了法国达飞集团轮船公司(CMA CGM Daytona)的汽车卡车专运船(PCTC)。这艘700CEU的船舶从新加坡兰亭能源(Pavilion Energy)的“LBV Brassavola”号加注船上接收了930立方米的液化天然气。




EPS welcomes sixth LNG dual-fuel bulker for charter with Rio Tinto


The last of six 210,000 dwt LNG dual-fuel Newcastlemax bulkers has been delivered to Singapore-based shipowner Eastern Pacific Shipping (EPS).


Following its launch in May 2024, the vessel Mount Ossa was handed over to EPS on July 24 by New Times Shipbuilding (NTS) in China.


Mount Ossa is the last vessel in EPS’ series of six 210,000 dwt dual-fuel bulkers chartered to London-based metals and mining corporation Rio Tinto.


Mount Tai, the fifth unit in this series, was named and delivered in May 2023. The fourth vessel, Mount Ararat, was built at the beginning of 2023 while the third vessel was delivered in November 2022.


The delivery of Mount Ossa also marks the 21st vessel being delivered by the Chinese shipyard to EPS.


 “Despite global challenges, Rio Tinto and EPS have shown unparalleled resilience and a strong commitment to decarbonize shipping. Over the past three years, these LNG-powered vessels have proven to be a sustainable choice, emitting 30% less than their conventional counterparts. We have successfully completed over 200 LNG bunkering operations, significantly reducing emissions across our fleet”, EPS said.


The company’s 200th ship-to-ship (STS) bunkering operation involved pure car and truck carrier (PCTC) CMA CGM Daytona. The 700 CEU ship received 930 cubic meters of LNG from Pavilion Energy’s bunker vessel LBV Brassavola.

