




Sikania II Hybrid在希腊下水

作者:   发布时间:2024年07月21日    浏览量:220   字体大小:  A+   A- 

Sikania II Hybrid在希腊下水

来源:Offshore Energy 2024-07-19

翻译:国际海事信息网  檀智 张运鸿 


        一艘名为Sikania II Hybrid的混合动力滚装客货两用船(RoPax)近日在希腊下水,该船的建造目的在于实现意大利维拉圣乔瓦尼(雷焦卡拉布里亚)与墨西拿之间的旅客运输绿色化。


        下水仪式于2024年7月18日在佩拉马的Kanellos Bros造船厂举行。


        该船由希腊的C.T.E. Perdikaris 工程、建筑和技术服务公司设计,并在意大利船级社 (RINA) 的监督下,由希腊的 Celt 建造,据称,该船代表了可持续海事技术的“重大飞跃”。




        与同属该公司的渡轮Sikania II Hybrid RoRo在尺寸和能力上相似,这艘船长约105米,总吨位为4,100 GT。它可以运送22辆重型车辆或125辆汽车及400人,为乘客和货物提供充足的空间和先进的设施。






        Mercitalia Logistics 首席执行官 Sabrina De Filippis 评论道:“Bluferries 新绿色船舶的推出标志着我们的船队更新过程迈出了重要一步。如今,随着这艘越来越环保的船舶交付,我们可以看到我们的投资成果。得益于混合动力推进系统,它将在到达和离开港口阶段减少 50% 的二氧化碳排放,并实现‘港口零排放’。”


        “在接下来的几个月里,该船将接受测试,一旦拖入海峡,将正式下水、启用并重新命名,以便在 2025 年初全面投入服务。这艘新船是 2600 万欧元投资的结果,部分资金来自国家计划对“意大利国家复苏和韧性计划”的补充投资,并将加入已在海峡运营的 5 艘船。”


        Bluferries 首席执行官 Giuseppe Sciumè 表示:“这艘船符合高效和可靠性的高标准,为更绿色的海上运输铺平了道路。其首航定于 2025 年初,之后将提供定期服务。我们计划扩大我们的混合动力船队,提升我们在海事环保解决方案方面的地位。此次新船下水加强了西西里岛主要枢纽之间的连通性。卡拉布里亚-西西里岛航线将受益于更快、更清洁、更可靠的运输选择。”


        C.T.E. Perdikaris 首席执行官 Theano Perdikaris 补充说,该项目展示了混合动力技术在减少海运业碳足迹方面的潜力。


        RINA 海洋执行副总裁 Giosuè Vezzuto 总结道:“该项目是向脱碳迈出的重要一步,展示了实现可持续海洋未来所需的协同作用。它突出了开创性努力以及希腊在推动可持续海洋实践方面的关键作用。通过合作与创新,我们正携手为后代打造一个更清洁、更负责任的全球海事行业。”




Sikania II Hybrid, a hybrid roll-on/roll-off passenger (RoPax) vessel set to greenify passenger travel between Villa San Giovanni (Reggio Calabria) and Messina, Italy, has been launched in Greece.


The launching ceremony was held at Kanellos Bros shipyard in Perama on July 18, 2024.


Designed by Greek naval architects C.T.E. Perdikaris Engineering, Architectural & Technical Services and built in Greece by Celt under RINA surveillance, the vessel is said to represent a ‘significant leap forward’ in sustainable maritime technology.


Being built for Italian maritime transportation company Bluferries, the newbuild features a hybrid propulsion system that integrates traditional diesel engines with advanced electric propulsion, significantly reducing carbon emissions and fuel consumption. This dual approach not only enhances environmental sustainability by offering zero emissions at port during loading and unloading operations but also reduces fuel consumption during navigation, ensuring reliable and efficient service for passengers.


Similar in size and capability to the Sikania II Hybrid RoRo ferry of the company, this vessel measures approximately 105 meters in length and boasts a gross tonnage of 4,100 GT. It is designed to transport 22 heavy vehicles or 125 cars and 400 persons, offering ample space and advanced amenities for passengers and cargo alike.


As explained, the ‘true innovation’ of this vessel lies in its use of green technologies. The ship is equipped with four azimuth thrusters Z-drive, each connected directly to one diesel engine of 1000kW and one electrical motor of 350kW. The electrical motors are connected to NMC batteries with an energy storage capacity of 1MWh. The vessel is energy-independent, featuring an advanced energy management system. During navigation, the batteries can be charged through the electrical motors acting as shaft generators. The stored energy is used for hybrid propulsion, combining diesel engines and electric motors to supply power to the azimuth thrusters.


When approaching port, the vessel operates on fully electric propulsion for zero emissions during all maneuvering, loading, and unloading operations. Additionally, solar panels fitted on board provide 25kW of power, supplying all ship accommodation services.


“The launch of Bluferries’ new green ship represents a fundamental step in the renewal process of our fleet. Today we can see the result of our investments, with the delivery of this increasingly eco-sustainable vessel. Thanks to the hybrid propulsion it will allow a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions and “zero emissions at port” during the arrival and departure phases,” Sabrina De Filippis, CEO of Mercitalia Logistics, commented.


“In the coming months it will be subjected to testing and, once towed into the Strait, it will be definitively put into the water, inaugurated and renamed, in order to take full service in the first months of 2025. The new ship is the result of an investment of 26 million euros, partly financed with funds from the National Plan for Complementary Investments to the PNRR, and will be added to the 5 that already operate in the Strait”.


“This vessel meets high standards of efficiency and reliability, paving the way for greener maritime transport. Its inaugural voyage is set for early 2025, with regular services to follow. We plan to expand our hybrid fleet, reinforcing our position in eco-friendly maritime solutions. This launch enhances connectivity between Sicily’s key hubs. The Calabria-Sicily route will benefit from a faster, cleaner, and more reliable transportation option,” Giuseppe Sciumè, CEO of Bluferries, said.


Theano Perdikaris, CEO of C.T.E. Perdikaris, added that the project showcases the potential of hybrid technology in reducing the maritime industry’s carbon footprint.


“This project represents a major step towards decarbonization and exemplifies the synergy needed for a sustainable maritime future. It highlights the pioneering efforts and Greece’s pivotal role in advancing sustainable maritime practices. Together, through collaboration and innovation, we are steering towards a cleaner, more responsible worldwide maritime industry for future generations,” Giosuè Vezzuto, Marine Executive Vice President at RINA, concluded.
