作者: 发布时间:2024年12月11日 浏览量:99 字体大小: A+ A-
来源:Offshore Energy 2024-12-11
翻译:国际海事信息网 杨皓然 张运鸿
这两艘船舶的平均载重吨为21万吨,将由中国船舶集团青岛北海造船有限公司(Qingdao Beihai Shipbuilding)建造。据Intermodal提供的消息称,这些环保散货船的均价为9300万美元。
去年,商船三井(MOL)和同胞贸易投资公司三井物产(Mitsui & Co.)一同获得了日本船级社(ClassNK)为其设计的一艘大型氨动力散货船颁发的原理性认可(AiP)证书。
特别地是,该证书是颁发给一艘21万载重吨的好望角型(Capsize)散货船,且该船配备有一台氨燃料主发动机。该船舶的特色在于其甲板上配有2个氨燃料舱,以实现其续航里程最大化,优化船舶空间。日本商船三井(MOL)和三井物产(Mitsui)一同规定了船舶的尺寸和规格,而日本三菱造船厂(Mitsubishi Shipbuilding)则被委托负责船舶的设计工作。
与此同时,商船三井(MOL)还获得了日本船级社(ClassNK)对其氨动力船舶的浮式储存及再气化装置(FSRU)设计颁发的认可证书。该设计的具体落实过程将同日本三菱造船厂(Mitsubishi Shipbuilding)合作完成。
环保方面,商船三井(MOL)设定了中长期目标,即在2035年前将海运业的温室气体排放强度(GHG emissions intensity)减少近45%(例如,同2019年相比),并在2050年前通过采取五大战略实现净零排放,包括商船三井(MOL)为促进船舶营运能效而提出的环保愿景2.1(Environmental Vision 2.1)。
MOL orders ammonia dual-fuel bulk carrier duo in China
As part of its commitment to boost decarbonization progress, Japanese shipping major Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) has placed an order for two ammonia dual-fuel bulk carriers.
The vessels, each with a deadweight tonnage (dwt) of 210,000, will be built at China’s Qingdao Beihai Shipbuilding. These eco-friendly bulkers are priced at $93 million each, according to the information provided by Intermodal.
They are scheduled for delivery between 2027 and 2028.
The vessels are part of MOL’s ongoing efforts to reduce the environmental impact of its fleet and align with global efforts to decarbonize the maritime industry. The company has recognized ammonia as a promising alternative fuel and a viable option for achieving net-zero emissions in shipping.
Last year, MOL, together with compatriot trading and investment company Mitsui & Co., received approval in principle (AiP) from classification society ClassNK for the design of a large ammonia-powered bulk carrier.
Specifically, the approval was granted for a 210,000 dwt Capesize bulker, which will be powered by an ammonia-fueled main engine. The vessel will feature two ammonia fuel tanks on deck to maximize cruising range and optimize cargo space. MOL and Mitsui jointly defined the ship’s size and specifications, with Mitsubishi Shipbuilding entrusted to handle its design.
Meanwhile, the company also obtained approval from ClassNK for the design of a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) for ammonia. The design process was carried out in collaboration with Mitsubishi Shipbuilding.
The MOL Group set mid-to-long-term targets to reduce GHG emissions intensity in marine transport by approximately 45% by 2035 (i.e. versus 2019) and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 through five strategies, which include boosting operational efficiency in MOL Group Environmental Vision 2.1.